Third Party Press

Ballistol on Luger holster?


Senior Member
Have you guys had any experience using Ballistol on a old dry holster? I know it can be used on leather, but I’m unsure if that’s more in reference to newer leather and what the effects might be using it on aged leather such as my Luger holster. It’s a bit dry and can use some freshening up.
No way. I use ballistol pretty much exclusively on all of my firearms, for cleaning bores to wiping down. I like it. Don't use it on leather. Oiling leather hastens its destruction and makes it look oiled. That destroys collector value.
Ask jerry at luger holster repair. I think lanolin is approved to safe terribly dry leather. Ask the expert :thumbsup:
Thanks guys. Yeah, I love Ballistol for firearm metal cleaning purposes, but wasn't too sure about its effect on leather and I'm not too keen on putting anything on collectible stuff anyway. You guys have convinced me not to use it ;-)

How many Freaking times do I have to post this on the internet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

as indicated Jerry is now saying lanolin is ok for cracked leather at the top of the holster to stop further cracking

if the holster is beat it is because some before you used neatfoot, pecards or saddle soap and now sadly these holsters are degrading
Have you guys had any experience using Ballistol on a old dry holster? I know it can be used on leather, but I’m unsure if that’s more in reference to newer leather and what the effects might be using it on aged leather such as my Luger holster. It’s a bit dry and can use some freshening up.

NO. The only time you put ballistol on ANY leather is when it's flat new and you want to oxidize it and make it supple. It does that well ONE TIME. Any older leather and you may as well put gasoline on it.
If you take some aged Vaseline that you take the time to leech out by heat for evaporation and paper towels. The resultant waxy like jell has done wonders for me on old leather , and in cleaning verdigris off original finish wood. As in all things moderation and not letting it sit on the wood too long.
What Gew98 said. I have to fight verdigris on US leather slings and holsters primarily. Ballistol is good for that, but like on a q-tip and on the brass parts, after the verdigris is brushed off.
NO. The only time you put ballistol on ANY leather is when it's flat new and you want to oxidize it and make it supple. It does that well ONE TIME. Any older leather and you may as well put gasoline on it.
If you take some aged Vaseline that you take the time to leech out by heat for evaporation and paper towels. The resultant waxy like jell has done wonders for me on old leather , and in cleaning verdigris off original finish wood. As in all things moderation and not letting it sit on the wood too long.

NO NO NO , leather experts say NO and that expert is not me, what is wrong with you folks

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