Good. Never, ever use anything abrasive, i.e. steel wool, wire brush or sandpaper. Your bayonet will probably clean up just fine using a cloth and oil. I use an old t-shirt torn into pieces. I try to use white ones so that I can see what is coming off and how much. Always turning the cloth to a clean part when I see build up. Rust that has adhered to the cloth can act as an abrasive like sandpaper. Micro fiber will be fine. I use a lite gun oil like Rem Oil. Leaving a thin coat over entire metal surface. Always wipe finger/hand prints off if handling bayonet barehanded, try to wear gloves such as cotton/jersey or nitrile if possible when you ( or anyone else) "look" at it. The acids in the oils from your hands and fingers can and will permanently etch the blue.I will first try a micro fiber cloth with CLP or Household oil.