any one know what country this 98 rifle was made for? what language?

Can you post a pic of the rest of the rifle? And some kind of context as to where those markings are? And any other markings? Because there is a lot more that will tell about what model of rifle it is and where it was made for than just a few out of context stampings.
tks. problem is that I know it's not a Chinese one. looks like Burma or Thai, close characters/letters, but not exactly.
Could be, but I know the Chinese copies (the bad ones) tried to emulate the markings and usually came out whacky...although it also is reminiscent of Khyber Pass guns with their F'ed up attempts to copy markings, I assume those Khyber Pass goat herders may have copied some German arms too.

See what some of the other guys think. How do you know its not Chinese? Any pics of the top of the receiver ring?
Absolutely looks like one of those Chinese warlord knockoffs. There was a certain amount of prestige of having imported, foreign-made arms. In the absence of actuaI examples, the Warlords settled for fake ones made by cottage gunsmiths. One of my friends has a homemade Chinese Gew 98 That has a shockingly complicated, but still comically bad Lange Visier. I would be very interested to see what, if anything, is written on the receiver face. Some of the replicated markings are downright hilarious.
Yep, thirding Chinese Warlord gun. This is likely the rifle version of the Wauser C96 pistols.

It makes more sense if you imagine what kind of nonsense you or I would create if given the task of making "realistic looking Chinese writing" and then handing our derange scribblings to someone who actually reads the language. Over-all physical condition also looks about right for a Chinese import. Those tend to be rough.