Another late SS depot repair


Baby Face
Staff member
Posting this for a member who is having some issues posting for some reason.

byf43 with an SS depot replaced barrel. Most of the rest appears to be original except for the unnumbered Czech safety and cocking piece. Looks like it has some white wash under the handguard very similar to a Sauer 1940 I have.

Forum isn't cooperating at the moment, so my apologies for the pics being in a random order.


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The Czech cocking piece and safety are still pre 1945 correct? That is a neat rifle.

I'm guessing that they would be numbered if period, but that's not a guarantee. I say that because other SSZZA4 reworks have these parts numbered.
interesting to see a rifle made in early 43 would have been used enough to require a re-barrel ?
interesting to see a rifle made in early 43 would have been used enough to require a re-barrel ?

If it was used once and then neglected or left on a battlefield or at an aid station in the humidity for a few days it would need a new barrel.
It looks just like a rifle I looked at Tuesday. It was a depot rework but had the zf41 adapter and scope. It was a c block and a byf 43 also. It came from law's collection. Looked like it was in an Israeli stock with the finger grooves bandspring hole filled in.
If it was used once and then neglected or left on a battlefield or at an aid station in the humidity for a few days it would need a new barrel.

IM sure anything is possible. Not something you see that often for sure. Most are early rifles.
IM sure anything is possible. Not something you see that often for sure. Most are early rifles.

Most are early rifles I agree, but I have three or four later reworks, particularly a dou.43 and bcd 4, rebarreled, depot marked. Shoot it with a cob of mud in the muzzle, battlefield reclamation, triage collection point, etc. It was corrosive ammunition and I've seen bores literally eaten up in days from a stupid kid focused on going to a party and forgetting to clean (me).
1942 roughly, SDP supplied a lot of barrels to ordnance shops, often as sub-contractors. SDP was a big barrel maker, they made far in excess of their needs. At least until 1944, then they became a beggar (customer) for awhile.

Very cool. What would the code date the barrel to?