Third Party Press

Another early production gewehr 98 from Erfurt


Well-known member
[Hi, here my Gewehr 98 early production from Erfurt (1899) that served in the German Navy on a boat;
"III.S.B. 2,199." dritte see batallion, Tsingtau,Governement Kiautschau , a German colony in..... China.
The main German base for warships in Asia ... in 1914 with British assistance was it conquered by the Japanese ..... (The head quarter of the third See Battalion in Germany was in Coxhaven.)
The weapon number 5205 ........ very rare early production Mauser 98 it was confiscated by the British.(British stamps on the barrel and receiver)
Unfortunately its missing the plate number of the boat where it served......
It has been demilitarised also by the former owner to the Belgian law.:facepalm:

regards Bat.....
tsingtau.jpg1 gewehr 98.jpg2.jpg3.jpg6.jpg7.jpg8.jpg9.jpgDSC_0582.jpgDSC_0610.jpgDSC_0614.jpgDSC_0615.jpgDSC_0620.jpgDSC_06111.jpgDSC_061011.jpggewehr 98 2.JPGtsingtau.jpg
Excellent gewehr! I was hoping you'd be posting some pics of this one. It appears that the bolt is matching, the font looks the same but pics are not real close up to verify. I note the bolt is not KM / naval proofed. Is the wood matching?
Agreed, a nice example, - the bolt is interesting if it is original, the fireproof on the bolt is not typical for Erfurt, but I do not have an example recorded with an original bolt, showing the lower flat of the bolt. The earliest is Mike's Erfurt/01 2c, which has the normal Erfurt FP.

These pictures are a lot better than the ones i had previously, I guess Bat posted it before, years back... Bat, do you have a clear picture of the right receiver acceptance?
Agreed, a nice example, - the bolt is interesting if it is original, the fireproof on the bolt is not typical for Erfurt, but I do not have an example recorded with an original bolt, showing the lower flat of the bolt. The earliest is Mike's Erfurt/01 2c, which has the normal Erfurt FP.

These pictures are a lot better than the ones i had previously, I guess Bat posted it before, years back... Bat, do you have a clear picture of the right receiver acceptance?

here the right receiver Loewe

My guess of the bolt its a repaired or a replaced one....

some pieces of the bolt are orginal numbered and stamped with the M but others are not,the firing pin is a new one and not the old type.
Its hard to tell...this gun has been in several hands before I get it ,just like the plate of the boat ,the guy who sell me the rifle take it out because he was thinking it was something from the SAS in WW II , I told him SMS was also the name on German boats.He would give me the plate sometime but unfortunately he past several years ago away.....:facepalm:

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the buttstock is orginal....

The stock is really orginal and numbered, there is no doubt but the picks are not that clear sorry!


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