Third Party Press

And It Sold

Not just a postwar Czech but a rifle with a completely fake code stamped on top. Jeez. You know, I don't feel sorry for the buyer, that has to be the easiest thing to Google, swp, to see what they should look like. Hope he enjoys it.
I think I paid $500 for my real postwar most likely unissued SWP45 K98 a few years ago. It has many nice original late war parts. It would easily be worth $900 broken up. The auction rifle is just a crying shame. It was probably a scrubbed receiver and made up with a cheap stamp set. It also appears to have a French stock on it.
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Mother of God. :facepalm:

Well, if I ever have an unbelievably humped turd, I am contacting titannine at 1-800-SCREWME.

Come on guys this rifle has to be real I mean the seller said this rifle was assembled from parts in 1945 as the Russians where knocking at the door! Has to be true right, no one in their right mind would try to screw someone out of their money. :googlie
There is one on gunbroker now nearby that is in the 300 dollar range that I am watching.

It doesn't looked messed with and the guy is realistic with the reserve price.

Might have to pick it up to do some shooting.
The best part is knowing that the seller likely used or sold the original postwar Czech stock for $200-300 (or more) before dropping it in the not-very-valuable postwar French modified stock. A shameful outcome for what would have been a decent postwar Czech 98k. The buyer deserves every penny of what he is receiving.
Maybe the seller swapped the Czech stock and put it in the dou 44 he has listed! I thought the receiver marking on top looked strange, just saw the Czech writing and didn't really look any further.

I picked up a dot 1945 last year for a shooter that is in nice shape (possibly unissued) and paid $425. Can't believe someone paid that much for this one!
It's about as rare as they get and it's got very high comedic value for a firearm.
I don't like laughing at another man's misfortune (unless he's a turd/true hostile enemy, in which case I laugh the loudest...), but as noted here many times before, there are manifold resources with which to determine even elementary facts about a given family of weapons. This is truly the buyer's fault.

I can only hope he learns from this, and considers it tuition in the on-going curriculum of collecting. With any luck, he'll look at it like a man and know that there's far more to learn from the hard training ground of failure than the soft embrace of success.

I predict trouble once the buyer learns what he has and experiences that sinking feeling. He'll want his money back. Mrgarand is in for a big red F.
Honestly, I do not get it. I am far from an expert, but I have been a member of this forum for some time. I have reference books, including the superb Kriegsmodell.. Even today, before laying out substantial cash, I ask for opinions on an item from trusted members here. Let alone something as egregious as this abomination.


the ONLY thing that caught my eye was the VERY hard to find armours E/359 Bolt shroud but even then it was alterd for that low swin gsafety was a waste of a har dto find armours part!!!!!


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