… from a rather controverse seen division, blown up together with the truck it was in on May 8, 1945, unearthed some days ago
Looks like it took a hefty impact with that trigger guard and bolt damage!
… from a rather controverse seen division, blown up together with the truck it was in on May 8, 1945, unearthed some days ago
… and another one from TK-Division, directly found in Pregarten. It was left over together with the rifle. In the 50ies the rifle was reworked in a hunting rifle with a then modern scope, welding the holes of the original mount. It became crap. The scope was left, because it has a very small crack in the ocular lense and the gun dealer told owner obviously better to buy a new one. Hence at least the scope was saved. I got the gun too, but gave it to a friend for nothing, since what was left of it was only a remembrance.
these are 2 of my book photos, but currently I am working on my StG 44 accessories book series. I have written a bit about this in the WAF.
this one is also from them, found nearby in a house (Hagenberg bei Pregarten). As can be seen, Waffenmeister-reworked, reissued on late "police" mount, of which the majority was in WSS-use. I have many "early" scopes put in wartime on another gun, sometimes newly gun numbered, sometimes not.