A New K98 Collector Joins The Fold


My son who is 12 is an avid WW1/WW2 collector. He is also a Life rank Boy Scout who just started his Eagle Scout project.

He has been searching for a nice, matching K98 to fill the void. Last week he found it and the seller was more than nice.

It's a ce 43, all matching with excellent bore. We have ordered a sight hood and sling. Bayonet yet to be found but looking. In 1979 I got my first taste of sauerbraten while stationed in Germany. About 2 years ago I have mastered the art of cooking it with beef, venison, or elk.

I had two choice back straps taken from a deer last year on our property. I found it only fitting to honor my son finding this rifle but to also honor where it was made, how it ended up in America by serving a traditional German meal. Hope you enjoy the photos and the fact we have a new K98 collector who respects the history behind these beautiful rifles.

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This gives me hope that the history and lessons of the past will be taught by the parents and passed down right-along with the mementos, well done!
To you and your son tonight I raise my glass and say "Prosit!" I can't express how much I applaud your efforts in passing-down 'traditions' as well as knowledge hand-in-hand from the past. I'm just as sorry I will never be able to do the same...
My mother's sauerbraten was the best. Good job with your son.

HHHHMMMNNNNN sauerbraten. :thumbsup:
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Had to clean out my folder so if you replied try again.
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Thank you all for your comments. We were able to score a very nice German sight hood. Yup we learned the hard way how to get it on. Can you say no meat left on right thumb pushing LOL. But it locked in and all good. Also picked up a 42 dated original sling. Looks very nice now. Missed a minty 43 dated bayonet and scabbard on FleaBay Sunday.

It was a beauty. We have a really nice Gew 98 that he shoots here at the house. I have a small range. Time to try out the K98 next.

Now that he has the bug I'm sure there will be more.

Thank you all again.
Bruce & Ed