That was my first thought... Suhl can be damn tough to find this nice! The "demigod" of Modell 98 trend research (Mark Weinriga) once told me he found JPS the most difficult of maker to find, - not sure in what context (Suhl or across the board, but either way a JPS in this state is not to easy to acquire...)Exceptional! You don't see many Gew98s in that shape.
"Peeling out the hundreds till he cried uncle" that gave me a chuckleYes, I owned it, posted it a couple of years ago. My pics were nowhere near as nice as yours though. It did come literally out of the woodwork. A friend's brother was a builder. He was renovating an old house, found the rifle. The owners told him to get rid of it (I live deep behind enemy lines in a very liberal area). He gave it to his brother, who called me because he knew I like guns. He wanted to know the caliber and how he could get some ammo so he could shoot it. He described it, I told him I should look at it before he thought of shooting it. I saw it, started peeling out the hundreds until he cried uncle.
Congrats, it's a very beautiful Gewehr.