Third Party Press

1897 Erfurt, Gew.91


Senior Member
1897 Erfurt Gew.91 I picked up a while back. Interesting piece, barrel, receiver, and trigger match each other. The stock, barrel jacket and all other hardware match each other. bolt is matching to itself. The receiver is a reclaimed Kar.88 receiver and behind the Gew.91 marking you can make out a faint ghost marking Kar.88 Its been through a rework or two in its life. Stamped S for the upgrade to the spitzer round, with the Z stamp to indicated it having modified or deepened rifling, and the (.) stamp indicating a reenforced barrel. also marked (n.m.) indicating a barrel of higher quality steel. Barrel is made by Krupp and marked Neues Material Krupp.

From what I understand, these Gew.91 were never new production rather they were converted Kar.88, where they added the stacking hook, and remarked the receivers as Gew.91 all I can find seems to indicate that they used Kar.88 that were damaged or otherwise needed servicing and they were taken and upgraded to the Gew.91 configuration.

An observation I have also made is that I have not seen and Gew.91 with a letter block in the serial which to me would seem to indicate fairly low production numbers.

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Military Rifle Journal