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  1. D

    Prefered Years for the k98

    Thanks to everyone for the replys. I am thinking of an early or early mid war, Since my thoughts right now, are just one rifle, so i think a nice well made, matching number would work just fine, just have to gather up with some coins.
  2. D

    Prefered Years for the k98

    Ok, So iv been reading up on the K98 Mauser, mainly I want to evently purchase one, and want to have some knowledge of this rifle. This rifle seems to require a bit more knowledge to buy one, than say a Swiss K31. Also I have been told there are many fakes out there, so one must know some about...
  3. D

    Greetings from the Mountians of WNC

    Hello all, I am new to this forum, and just wanted to say HI, I am very new to Mausers, infact I do not even own one yet, but I am planning on purchasing one this year. I have started to collect ww2 rifles, and my collection is small like 2 lol. But I do want a German K98 for my next purchase. I...