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  1. F

    M42 helmet

    ckl / CKL The later 1944 produced M42's used capital letter font / CKL The 1943 produced M42's used the smaller font / ckl Frank
  2. F

    Questionable Camos

    Brian (M45) showed helmets from his collection for all to see on GHW a few years ago and if one looks at page 408 of the Niewiarowicz book one of Brian's helmets features.He has been in this helmet hobby longer then you Acer! he has studied helmets for years and shared his knowledge with other...
  3. F

    Questionable Camos

    WOW look at that Camo!!!! it's like something you'd see on GHW2 every week Thanks for posting Ruffin :thumbsup:
  4. F

    Km camo helmet

    The decal on the Camo it not ET as it does not have the '' dot '' in the foot I stick to my opinion and that is the decal is a POCHER. regards Frank
  5. F

    Km camo helmet

    Pocher decal That is a very nice Camo. But I think it is a EF produced helmet with a toned Pocher Heer decal? regards Frank
  6. F

    Questionable Camos

    I know this camo! But I wonder why no collector seems to want to hold on to it for very long?