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  1. J

    Matching K98 without receiver code!?

    Thx everybody, great forum!!! Jupp:)
  2. J

    Matching K98 without receiver code!?

    Here is more: The description according to the quotation read: "As far as can be seen, matching numbers, also the stock. Weapon was reworked, chamber ground and metal parts re-burnished. German reproofing from 9.76 present."
  3. J

    Matching K98 without receiver code!?

    Wow, I am really impressed, how much information is hidden in this rifle and how you experts decipher it! The remaining question is, if the entire numbering is original, since Herk1994 had doubts regarding the bolt numbering? Thanks to All!
  4. J

    Matching K98 without receiver code!?

    Hello everybody a friend of mine has a K98 with matching numbers, however, it has no receiver code. Any comments to the history of this rifle would be highly appreciated. See photos attached. Looking forward to your expertise :) Best Regards, Jupp
  5. J

    Gewehr 88 (Spandau 1891)

    Hi all, I have the opportunity to get a de-militarized (see BKA-mark) Gewehr 88 rifle (Spandau 1891) for decoration. Please see pics attached. What would be a fair price-range? Thx! Jupp
  6. J

    Is this a walnut-stock?

    Ok, this sounds convincing. Can you determine, if it is a solid beech-stock or if it is laminated? (Maybe the sling-cut gives a hint?)
  7. J

    Is this a walnut-stock?

    It is exciting, whenever I ask from which wood the stock is made of, 50% say it' s walnut, while the other half says it is beech... Maybe more pictures help to get certainty. Here is the link to my original request in the same forum. You...
  8. J

    Is this a walnut-stock?

    Hi all, I wonder, if you experts can find out by the pics, if this is a walnut-stock or not? I have a Kriegsmodell byf-1945, barrel code D1080. The stock is not marked at all. Thx for your help! Jupp
  9. J

    Kriegsmodell byf45: 4 questions on markings

    Here is the link to my original request in the same forum. You will find 20 pics in total, a variety shows details of the wood. If you need better ones, just let me know.
  10. J

    Hello from Germany

    Vicinity of Frankfurt
  11. J

    Kriegsmodell byf45: 4 questions on markings

    Good support! @ Loewe: Thank you very much for the good answers, I appreciate it! regarding barrel code: Yes, it reads D1080 @ Warrior1354: Thanks for your comment! Actually, I don' t really know, if it is a solid walnut(?) or laminated stock. The stock is not marked at all, however I haven' t...
  12. J

    Kriegsmodell byf45: 4 questions on markings

    Hi all, I would be happy, if someone could comment on the following three questions: 1.) Is it possible to determine by the serial# 9042 in which month the rifle was produced in 1945 (i.e. "no letter"-suffix is January 45)? 2.) What could the mark (...looks like a crown - see picture) on the...
  13. J

    Kriegsmodell byf45 without French [star] modified proof mark

    @GunKraut: Thx for the helpful answers, amazing! I found by now that RW my stands either for "Rudolf Weiss", a Mauser employee and inspector, or for "Werk's Revision" (factory revision). - What could the mark (...looks like a crown) on the right side of the receiver beneath the WaA-eagle be? -...
  14. J

    Kriegsmodell byf45 without French [star] modified proof mark

    Theater of operations? @mrfarb: Thx for the quick response! Do you think it is possible to trace - alone by the version of this Mauser (95% Kriegsmodell, only french cutout) - by whom and where it was used? (e.g. Légion étrangère in Indochine)
  15. J

    Kriegsmodell byf45 without French [star] modified proof mark

    Hello everybody I am a newbie on the forum. I have a K98k - "Kriegsmodell" - which was most likely produced at Mauser (byf 45) in 1945. It has German accepting and firing markings (see pictures). However, it was obviously a French Capture German K98k, since it is “modified” with only the MAS...
  16. J

    Hello from Germany

    Hello everybody I am a newbie on the forum. Only recently I was lucky to get a K98k, and I guess it is a "Kriegsmodell", which was produced at Mauser (byf 45) in 1945. However, it was obviously a French Capture German K98k, since it is “modified” with only the MAS 36 sling cutout. Details...

Military Rifle Journal