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  1. P

    PTR44 Semi-Auto MP44

    Managed to procure a new part. Any tips on separating the piston from the op-rod/bolt carrier piece? Yes, I got the charging handle out. Thanks, Derek
  2. P

    PTR44 Semi-Auto MP44

    Ha! Fair enough. Read you loud and clear. Thanks for backing me up HDH... Here's the next development in my lengthy tale of a seriously epic fail of the op rod and bolt: So..... for those of you just tuning in who care, last weekend my dad and I were out shooting his PTR 44 and on the last...
  3. P

    PTR44 Semi-Auto MP44

    Isn't over yet..... A very sincere thank you to all who replied. I really appreciate the help and advice. This firearm is way too awesome to give up on easily. You all probably know this already, but.... it's kinda funny in a lame sort of way: I started with the first thing I could think of...
  4. P

    PTR44 Semi-Auto MP44

    PTR 44 parts Hello everyone. Yes, I am a total newbie. Give me all the sh*t you want, I'm a big boy and can take it. I'm here right now because my father is a HUGE WWII firearms fan, and recently got himself a very nice STG 44 clone (from what he tells me it's considered a PTR 44), needless...