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  1. J

    New semi auto STG 44s being imported

    New MP-44 Supply Chain Issue Answers (Maybe) After the announcement that El-Be-Tac had partnered with Robinson Armament to bring in new semi-auto MP-44's I emailed El-Be-Tac. I had emailed them inquiring as to whether they would be supplying spare parts in the USA. And if so, how could I go...
  2. J

    PTR44 Semi-Auto MP44

    Update On Broken Bolt Saga After my initial postings on the broken bolt I managed to find a NOS complete late style bolt still in the packing grease from when it came out of East Germany after the Wall fell. Once the bolt was in hand I contacted John Andrewski and requested that my rifle be...
  3. J

    8x33 & 8x57 Semi Auto/Full Auto Reloading

    Prvi Partizan .323" FMJ BT 123grs Item # B-424 I contacted Claus Espeholt in Denmark about component availability in Europe. He informed me that Prvi has just the bullets available for reloading under item number B-424. This item number shows up on, the fleabay of guns in...
  4. J

    PTR44 Semi-Auto MP44

    Pete Did you get the PM that I sent to you? I would like to talk with you offline via telephone if possible since you are a gunsmith. Mike
  5. J

    PTR44 Semi-Auto MP44

    Broken Bolts? Hello D-Day Dog: It is not implied that it has been at Andrewski's for over a year. It is FACT. One key thing to look at is the discoloration on the extractor. I have never seen that kind of coloration on metals before. And I used to work as a Manufacturing Engineer for a...
  6. J

    PTR44 Semi-Auto MP44

    Broken Bolts? Greetings Guys: I am new to this forum and would appreciate some feedback on a problem with my PTR. I bought my rifle new from Recon Ordnance back in Nov 2013 via a GunBroker auction. According to Jerry Prasser this one was the first of the remaining fifteen that John Andrewski...