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  1. J


    8mm ammunition Not that I intend to shoot my RC K98 much, but was looking at some ammo I purchased a few years ago. Made by PWA out of Romania. Labeled as FMJ with lead core, steel case. Read some things about AK ammo being steel case and steel bullet. Put a magnet to the PWA stuff and bullet...
  2. J

    K98K rear sight screw

    As you suggested, I fear the screw is broken off into the well. Something is there. Thanks for the info.
  3. J

    K98K rear sight screw

    Greetings, I am a newbie with a newbie question. My 98K, code ar 43, is missing the rear sight base screw. Peering into the well on the sight base I can see some thread for a screw, but not much. Should there be a hole in the barrel for an extension of the screw? See attached image. I cant see...
  4. J

    Second time K98K owner

    Just purchased my 2nd K98K this afternoon. Heard an advert for a gun shop, so I checked it out; not thinking I would find anything. But lo & behold there was one available. AR 43, receiver & walnut stock match, remainder doesnt. VG shape, more than I expected to find. Cost me $400. Been looking...