Third Party Press

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  1. Slash

    Police Butcher bayonet for review

    Looks perfectly fine to me. Schutzpolizei Düsseldorf, Kommando VI, Waffen 134. Love these with the v-notch pommel. Nice piece .....
  2. Slash

    Unit markings

    I'm not sure of the unit markings but many of these pieces reworked during the Weimar and IIIR period were for the police.
  3. Slash

    Need help with late war K98 Sling

    A quick forum search or the Picture Reference Index section is a good place to start. As an example this thread:
  4. Slash

    WKC 1940 10000c

    I'm sorry but these assertions range from simply incorrect to absurd. My intent is not to argue, but to correct the record. Serial number blocks were 1 to 10000. Followed by 1a to 10000a. I have researched this area for some time and multiple 10000 numbered examples have been observed on...
  5. Slash

    K98k with serial number 10000 ?

    An example of a S84/98 bayonet with serial number 10000 posted here:
  6. Slash

    WKC 1940 10000c

    Additional photos ....
  7. Slash

    WKC 1940 10000c

    There has been some discussion of serial numbering ranges in a thread or two here on the forum. Regarding numbering blocks as far as ranges running to either 9999 or 10000. German serial numbers were assigned in blocks of 10000 NOT 9999. This applies to rifles, pistols, machineguns, bayonets...
  8. Slash

    Kriegsfreiwilliger der Hitler Jugend Document

    @Stephan98k, Thank you very much for this detailed information. Much appreciated!
  9. Slash

    Captured flag

    Love this. One of the hardest fighting and sadly, most overlooked divisions in the ETO ......
  10. Slash

    Sniper pictures

    Agreed. The point I was trying to make when I mentioned "trigger discipline" in post #98 ....
  11. Slash

    Sniper pictures

    I like the trigger discipline ......
  12. Slash

    bnz45 T-Block

    Very nice! Do you have the barrel code?
  13. Slash

    Jwh 41 bayonets

    The 0000 piece is in this post regarding refurbished bayonets. It is discussed starting with Post #12. As stated in a previous post it is not standard production. I don't think I have ever posted the 10,000 numbered example...
  14. Slash

    44agv k98 Bayonet

    Nice original bayonet and yes, you have the maker correctly identified. It is an issue piece for the Wehrmacht and could have been part of a contract for almost any branch. At some point the grips scales have been removed and the bolts and spanners incorrectly seated. Note how the spanners...
  15. Slash

    Stop Touching Recoil Lugs - Gew 98

    Yeah, that's a mess alright. My biggest pet peeve is people who include their feet and shoes in the pics .....
  16. Slash

    Trying to Find Early K98 Bayonet Chart

    The image/file has been removed from the OP at the request of the compiler/owner.
  17. Slash

    Trying to Find Early K98 Bayonet Chart

    There is no accurate source for this information short of personal research and data collection. Original records from the producers are essentially nonexistent. Collecting serial number data for each maker during each year of production is about the only option and some researchers have spent...
  18. Slash

    Trying to Find Early K98 Bayonet Chart

    There is no published chart for S84/98 production 1934 to 1937 that I am aware of. Nothing of this nature is included in the Steves/Karem Karabiner K98k series. Bruce's earlier book The S84/98 German Bayonet" Vol. 1 1908-1933 does not address this area either as it is off-topic. Several...
  19. Slash

    WW1 butcher Navy . Looks to be a turd

    Not for me, today or any other day for that matter .....
  20. Slash

    Help with Unknown Maker's Mark

    Outstanding! Many thanks Andrej!

Military Rifle Journal