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  1. B

    K98 Action Sportmodell .22LR repeater, what model is it?

    Ok good, glad I wasn't forcing it to do anything that I shouldn't. I'll take a look at the bolt and make some adjustments. I'll probably fashion a wood plug to fill the cavity making it easier to load in single shot mode while I workout finding a suitable magazine to try. This project may never...
  2. B

    K98 Action Sportmodell .22LR repeater, what model is it?

    There is no magazine unfortunately. The employee that received the gun into inventory said the prior owner shot it single shot, no mag. It's definitely somebody's attempt to make it mag-fed. More than likely here in the USA given the US barrel band. There is a "groove" on the right side of the...
  3. B

    K98 Action Sportmodell .22LR repeater, what model is it?

    Hey guys, I recently purchased a rifle identified as a "Mauser DSM 34" at the local gun store. I knew nothing about it, but it was in good shape and very high quality so I bought it. Once home, I started a little research on it and it's becoming clear it's not a DSM 34. Based on the stickies...