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  1. M

    Need help for my K98

    well it's exciting yes and a very big thank you to you. it's incredible to know all that !!! this forum is the bible of the K98 ! 😂 I would just have one last question about the rear sight. there are "i" markings does that mean that it is Elite Diamant who supplied certain parts ? Regards
  2. M

    Need help for my K98

    yes that's it exactly there is no marking on the right side of the receiver. So for you and to summarize it would be an ar43 assembled at MB? is that right ?
  3. M

    Need help for my K98

    perhaps also the barrel is from the end of 1943 but the rifle could have been assembled during 1944 which would perhaps explain why there is no marking "ar43" or "ar44" I don't know...
  4. M

    Need help for my K98

    Thanks. Not easy MO or MB assembler. 😁 Maybe with these last photos of the underside of the bolt it could help you. Regards
  5. M

    Need help for my K98

    indeed I saw a very strong resemblance with an ar43 Thank you for confirming. I saw the photo of the code under the barrel and yes it looks a lot like mine for sure you are right. now as you say remains to be seen who assembled this K98 MO or MB ... Here are some photos of the holes under the...
  6. M

    Need help for my K98

    I am also trying to identify this marking next to 294 43 CYW.
  7. M

    Need help for my K98

    in this photo you can see an "i" and a number 181. I imagine this "i" for Elite Diamant nd
  8. M

    Need help for my K98

    Hi. you mean waffenamt 26 ? there are no others
  9. M

    Need help for my K98

    So what is this K98 in the end ??? Thanks
  10. M

    Mg13 charger for K98 ???

    ok. that's why I talked about something "weird". like I saw that on G98 even if it's not exactly the same model, I was thinking maybe in some situations... So I understood it's definitely a fake. Thanks sir ......
  11. M

    Need help for my K98

    Oupss sorry ....
  12. M

    Mg13 charger for K98 ???

    hello everyone. i have a quirk, i don't know if this was actually used during the ww2 conflict on K98 ! in any case i tried it on mine and it works perfectly. what can you tell me about this please ? Regards Mitsu
  13. M

    Need help for my K98

    it seems to me that there is no waffenamt eagle on the stock. on the other hand just before the number 294 under the barrel there is a marking but I do not know how to read it... when you speak of commercial mauser what do you mean ? Regards
  14. M

    Need help for my K98

    It's "747 a "
  15. M

    Need help for my K98

    yes exactly that's what I thought but as I really don't know enough about the subject. There were so many mixes, subcontractors and tinkering after the war too....
  16. M

    Need help for my K98

    No, I don't see anything about this place but it's a little worn so...
  17. M

    Need help for my K98

    Yes I saw this letter "I" but I didn't know what it could correspond to now thanks to you I know! It's really very interesting, thank you
  18. M

    Need help for my K98

    No marks on the right side of the receiver. Mitsu.
  19. M

    Need help for my K98

    Hello and thank you. Here are a few more photos. And no it's apparently the only one I've seen waffenamt 26 . There are others on the Bolt (see photos) but not 26 (i think). Just letters MI ? Regards.

Military Rifle Journal