Third Party Press

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  1. K

    K98 ce 44 question

    It looked like a 37 to me but I’ll have more pictures tomorrow
  2. K

    K98 ce 44 question

    I’ll get more pictures tomorrow can anything be deciphered from my previous picture
  3. K

    K98 ce 44 question

    Here are the barrel markings for more reference.
  4. K

    K98 ce 44 question

  5. K

    K98 ce 44 question

    Ok thank you
  6. K

    K98 ce 44 question

    I tried to download pictures from my camera but it said that the files were too big to download. I’m not a computer expert and I’m having a senior moment lol. Is there another way to download photos?
  7. K

    K98 ce 44 question

    Hi I’m new to the forum and K98 collecting. I have an opportunity to purchase a ce 44 marked K98. The laminate stock is duffel cut. I see no import marks on it. From what I understand after looking through the forum is that this rifle is a mid to early late rifle perhaps .The stock has a flat...

Military Rifle Journal