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  1. G

    Gewehr 98 hiding in dad's closet

    Great info. I'll probably go the project route to put it back in original configuration. I do like the military guns as hunting pieces, but i already have a converted Arisaka 99 for that purpose. I think this one, particularly due to age, would be more interesting restored. If anyone has any of...
  2. G

    Gewehr 98 hiding in dad's closet

    Here are some pics. Interested in what you see.
  3. G

    Gewehr 98 hiding in dad's closet

    Numbers i found. K27 S on bbl just behind rear sight. Circle with triangle inside same place. Another stamp same place i can't make out. Wurttemberg crest might be logo to left of serial number - which looks like 720 but there could be a very light 3 at the front (but it looks nothing like the...
  4. G

    Gewehr 98 hiding in dad's closet

    These arent great pics but should get us started. Will take more specific pics if you want to tell me what you want to see.
  5. G

    Gewehr 98 hiding in dad's closet

    My dad recently passed and I got a rifle that was hiding in the back of a closet. It *appears* to be a Gewehr 98 in 8mm. If the serial # is left side just after a logo of some sort, it is 720. I can read Gew 98 and some of the top factory info that looks like Waffenfabrik then Mauser A (or 4) -...

Military Rifle Journal