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  1. E

    Pedigree help on GEW 98 Amberg 1917

    I am not worried about the collector value. Just want to know I am not finger painting over a Picasso
  2. E

    Pedigree help on GEW 98 Amberg 1917

    Biggymu- Thank you. I thought as much. Have read quite a bit but the reading of info and application to practical reality is more difficult by the day! Ha! The action is sooooo smooth! I am looking to rebarrel in a slightly heavier contour (.270, .243 or maybe 22-250), a new stock (Boyd’s...
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    Pedigree help on GEW 98 Amberg 1917

    Inherited an Amber 1917 and would like help identifying predigree/rarity. It is said to have belonged to my Grandfather and would like to give it a new purpose, using the action for a rebuild hunting rifle. Before I do that I want to know what I have. The receiver and barrel have the same S/N...
  4. E

    Hello- New here, just want to learn

    Hello, I inhereted a couple of Mauser 98s from my father and am trying to determine what to do with them. The one that is the subject of this posting is an Amberg 1917. It is said to have belonged to my grandfather and am considering using the action to build a hunting rifle to give it a new...