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  1. shaneharjes4

    First K98. What do I got?

    Wow! Thats awesome
  2. shaneharjes4

    First K98. What do I got?

    Are these popular or is there a very few?
  3. shaneharjes4

    First K98. What do I got?

    The wood doesnt have any numbers on it. The Yugo wood makes sense. Do you know anything about the rifle itself?
  4. shaneharjes4

    First K98. What do I got?

    I recently just got this K98. Can you guys what it actually is? From what I was told it was used in WW1 as Gew98 than cut barrel length into a k98 for use in WW2. Everything is matching and its in vergy good shape. Just dont know if these are rare or theres a bunch out there. Please help?

Military Rifle Journal