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    Was this a real K98 Sniper rifle or just a clone?

    An Israeli K98 in 7.62x51 will run about $1100. A Russian/yugo capture starts at $1100 and goes up depending on quality and numbers matching and whether the eagles are peened. A good quality numbers matching K98 will hit the $2500 mark. A Portuguese K98 in good condition and numbers matching...
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    Was this a real K98 Sniper rifle or just a clone?

    That being said, I don't mind a clone as long as it shoots and if it shoots really well then I don't mind paying a little more than going rate for it.
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    Was this a real K98 Sniper rifle or just a clone?

    Oh that is true but not everyone knows what they have. I've purchased a few guns in the past for a fraction of what they are worth. :D
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    Was this a real K98 Sniper rifle or just a clone?

    Well thanks to those that confirmed this is not real and thus not worth the asking price.
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    Was this a real K98 Sniper rifle or just a clone?

    So I spotted this for sale and it caught my eye but some things are really confusing. It's a Yugo K98 but it appears to be a decent fake or maybe a real one? So the first thing that caught my eye was the split ring side mount. I didn't think there was such thing as a split ring mount besides...
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    K98 Sniper Clone Thread- All things repro sniper

    So it's not really that close to a K98 sniper rifle but it will do for now. It's a Czech made K98 that was sadly converted to 7.62x51 after the war. Only good thing about that is 308 ammo is easy enough to get whereas you can't find 8mm mauser to save your life up here. Paid about $777 USD for...

Military Rifle Journal