Third Party Press

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  1. C

    Gewehr 98 DWM 1917 1062l

    Thanks for that! I’m the least tech savvy 23 year old you’ll ever meet. All of my passion and knowledge is based on books and not so much the enternet so not talented to navigate forums like this. Until recently that is (another peer pressure from the same guys!) going forward I’d like to post...
  2. C

    Gewehr 98 DWM 1917 1062l

    Makes complete sense. Incredible article as well Sam.
  3. C

    Gewehr 98 DWM 1917 1062l

    Thanks for that. Still a rookie with the finer details, so this may be a dull comment/ question: but being an armorer rework… I would have presumed markings on the butt plate would say this? That’s why I’m leaning towards the fact it was once rejected and made for DWM by a subcontractor?
  4. C

    Gewehr 98 DWM 1917 1062l

    Thank you kindly. Let’s those cartouches really pop!
  5. C

    Gewehr 98 DWM 1917 1062l

    Thanks for posting this Cyrus! Looking forward to learning more about it and hearing others opinions. Definitely intriguing. This gewher is as honest and complete as I’m going to get for a while me thinks! Hard to beat. Thanks to those who helped me bite the bullet. Not really a hard choice to make
  6. C

    Got my carbine back

    Baby boy. Please wait for a proper post. Can’t wait to see.
  7. C

    Gewehr 98 J. P. Sauer 1916 9319h

    Congratulations Cyprus 😜 That JPS is a stunner. Glad it turned out to Be everything you wanted. Truly exceptional

Military Rifle Journal