Third Party Press

Search results

  1. M

    MS350B - ID help needed

    I bought it!!! My new MS350B arrived home safely today!!! Can't wait to take it to the range on Sunday. It actually looks better in the flesh than the images. Seller did a top notch job packaging and included the original Mauser mag and the key for the adjusting the diopter, nice touch. I...
  2. M

    MS350B - ID help needed

    Here's to hoping He still hasn't got back to me yet, if or when he'll ever sell. Perhaps I may have upset him when I suggested, "the benefit of time is on my side", because I was born nearly a decade after he acquired the rifle in the sixties. Maybe he's decided to be buried with it! If I...
  3. M

    MS350B - ID help needed

    Thanks Myself as well as the owner of this rifle have been trying various avenues to determine its history & authenticity. Mega thanks to you and Jon for weighing in on this. The information and opinions you posted are exactly what I've been looking for and I'll consider it conclusive. I've...
  4. M

    MS350B - ID help needed

    A fellow I know has a most unusual MS350B, very different from mine. It apparently came from the estate of Swiss fellow who passed on in the 60's, that's all that's known on the history of it. Pay particular attention to the bolt release, front swivel stud and extra trigger screw. The diopter...
  5. MS350B


Military Rifle Journal