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  1. ABHC FLT DK Chief

    How did I do? My first K98 - JP Sauer 1942

    Well, from what I understand, the previous owner prior to the OP was probably a Retired Senior "O" (US Army or USAF)/VA Surgeon and I imagine he was stationed somewhere in Deutschland during or after the sale and purchased it private party. Then put it in his household goods when he...
  2. ABHC FLT DK Chief

    How did I do? My first K98 - JP Sauer 1942

    There's always more to the story.... After reading this entire thread, I am convinced more than ever that many on the internet do NOT know as much as they lead you to believe they do. I am the new custodian of this fine K98K and noticed that not one of the "Experts" on this thread stated...