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  1. R

    Thieves Target Museums for Third Reich Militaria

    Was recently reading an article in the February issue of World War 2 magazine concerning thefts of Third Reich items from museums. In November burglars stole 20 nazi artifacts including an SS uniform from the Deutsches Museum in Sonderborg, Denmark. Allied artifacts were left alone. In October...
  2. R

    Borsigwalde Barrels Question

    A quick question here. Did Mauser Borsigwalde make their own barrels? My father's matching bringback 243-1940 I pictured on the forum a while back has no barrel makers code stamped on it that I can see. Is possible it is stamped below the wood line but I have not taken it apart to examine due to...
  3. R

    My 1940 243 Code KAR98K

    New here and wanted to share my 98k with forum members. It is a bringback from my father and is an all-matching rifle. It is an army issuance gun with an "H" marked on the stock along with the usual WaA stamps. The bluing is very good and the sling has the marking L&F marked on metal tab. It was...
  4. R

    Century Arms 98 Bayonets

    Was wondering if anyone can recommend or has purchased these bayos from Century recently. Advertised them as S84/98 types for $100. Don't know if they are refurbished Yugo stuff from Samco. Not having much luck at the Gun Shows and wonder if these are worth considering.
  5. R

    Mauser K98k Sniper sells for $12,100

    Just received the August issue of Guns&Ammo and it has a small article concerning this 98k that was sold at auction by Sportsman's Legacy for $12,100. States the rifle manufactured by Gustloff-Werke in 1944 features all-matching serial-numbered parts and is topped with a still clear Dialytan 4X...
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    New Member Checking In

    Wanted to first stop by and say hello and introduce myself. Have great interest in World War 2 milsurps with the Kar 98k being a favorite. Have some basic knowledge of the rifle but far from being an expert. I am looking forward to learning and hopefully sharing info with the pros on this forum...