Search results

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    bcd 42 (East German Refurb)

    I believe this to be one of the East German Refurb K98's, but it does not have any VoPo markings. Otherwise, everything is the same as every other East German rifle I have come across. This is a heavily refurbished, re-blued rifle with early and late war parts that is mostly stamped forced...
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    Interesting Sporter (Gew98 with engraved butt plate).

    Interesting sporter. Original military stock but neatly hand checkered stock with buffalo horn finished forend. Also a front swivel soldered onto the barrel. The butt plate is also engraved, but sadly rusted. The date doesn’t make much sense, nor does the spelling of Commando with a “c” versus...
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    Laminated g24(t) stocks?

    So, I had some K98 MM sporters I was trying to restore, and a dealer had some Yugo K98 stocks advertised. They arrived in the mail yesterday and I quickly realized that 2/3 stocks were not correct. I laid all three stocks out beside a proper k98 stock with hardware on the right. The two stocks...
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    Ajack 4x90 +(Blue) Scope

    I had this scope on an LSR clone. Sold the rifle a year ago and the poor kid couldn't afford the package with the scope, as a result here it is. Ajack 4x90 Scope with 'blue' + Serial # 50077 Bought from an optic dealer from Kassel Germany - city that still produces optics and produced optics...
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    WZ29 1937

    Polish WZ29 with crest intact and side markings. MM straight bolt but also Polish marked. Stock with honest dings and dents. Thought I would share.
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    CE 1943

    This is the CE 1943 that I picked up with the S27. Nice to see them in original trim versus RC or Norge. Interesting damage to the front sight base and front band? From combat use? Or a hard drop? Had to laugh at the middle band being upside down.
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    S27 1936

    Certainly not minty but an early and fairly honest rifle for sure. More bluing than the pics show, but pretty worn and certainly well used. Original sling too which is a bonus. Found this and another all matching K98 on the weekend at a Gun Show - Quite rare to find any all matching K98 in...
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    Polish Wz29 1937

    Sadly sporterized but luckily the metal hasn't been touched (except for the two front bands and bayonet lug). I do not know why someone would go to so much work to sporterize a rifle in such a minimalistic fashion. Really? - Three piece inlay for the sling cut out???? Maybe lost 4 oz's of...
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    ZF41 Question (Correct Serial Number Range to be Legit?)

    Wondering if a particular byf zf41 falls into the correct serial number range to be a legit zf41 rifle? byf43 Serial 42287 f cag+ scope duv 214 mount Thank you
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    Most unique K43 VoPo joke!!!

    Most unique K43 VoPo joke!!! (Authentic Wood Stock, etc.) This is not my rifle, but I have permission to share pictures and discuss and of course it is in Canada! Rifle is marked. Left receiver:Reichs Eagle, WaA 359, K 43 ac (over) 45 2220 'a' suffix. Two captured 'x's and two VoPo...
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    Collection of WWI Imperial MG's - Canadian Expeditionary Force Captures

    Some Berta bois and I were able to finally pick up this fine collection of CEF Captured MG's and one CEF Issued MG. I will share two pictures of the lot and will try to add more detailed pictures over the next few days. MG #1 MG08/15 Erfurt 1917 Serial #10152 Fussee Cover and Feed lock MM but...
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    duv/bnz dual code rifle

    Surprise, another RC dual code rifle found in Kanada. (For those that can take a joke) :facepalm: Joking aside. duv produced rifle with a poorly struck eagle over 214 on top of the receiver and dated '42'. Underneath a hand stamped bnz (no dat e stamp for when bnz finished the rifle)...
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    Sauer MP44

    My latest acquisition. Sauer (CE) MP44. 1945 dated, MP44 marked, wood grips, threaded barrel, blued with the smaller butt stock. Serial 'X' 2938 I think the 'X' is actually a capture marking versus a German WWII marking. Stock marked 1.TRZ which is a Yugo Repair arsenal. Most MP44's in...
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    Another double “X” VoPo

    VoPo k43. Serial #4856 (waiting on a letter suffix) K43 qve45 Aye Mag All forces matched (stamped and electo pencil) Repro mount/Scope Typical ruby polished/shellac stock. Most interesting is it is a double Refurb. Big “X” and Little “x”. Likely two Sunbursts as well. This is the third double...
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    Why to think twice about shooting old semi-automatics.

    Not my rifle but I did sell it to an acquaintance. Swedish AG42 B About 10 rounds into a range session and a magazine fed round did this to his rifle. Majority of parts destroyed (bent, etc.). Few things could have been done differently. On this rifle check firing pin protrusion. Use...
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    Nazi Era P08 Collection

    S/42 1936 (MM side plate, re-blue) Krieghoff 1937 42 1939 (Bakelite grips correct?) Byf 1941 (Blackwidow) Byf 1942 (Blackwidow)
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    MP44 who made it???

    East German re-finish and re-park. I’m trying to figure out who made it. Haenel? WaA37? fxo - C.G. Haenel, Waffen und Fahhrad-Fabrik, Suhl, Thüringen? cos - Merz-Werke, Gebr. Merz, Frankfurt am Main, Hessen? Thank you
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    bcd 43 4941m East German Re-Work

    Only other East German rework I had was a bcd4 three hole thick wall rifle (unfinished LSR) with a East German sunburst on the top of the receiver. This one is very similar to 95% of VOPO G/K43’s I’ve seen. Mixed WWII parts, sunburst on the bottom wrist, waxed/buffed shellac type finish, x’d...
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    Factory No. 74 Izhevsk Side Mount PEM 1942

    I got this rifle as a standard Soviet refurb 91/30. However the side mount holes had been drilled/tapped and not welded like most ex-snipers. So I’m not certain if this is an ex-sniper or unfinished sniper similar to unfinished LSR’s. What I really need is an original base. I have an...
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    Dual Code and dated/Triple Maker K98 CE/BNZ/359

    I passed on this rifle during three shows due to overall condition and because it was a MM. However upon further inspection I noticed a few things and decided to get it. 359 contracted receiver (left receiver stamp), stamped and dated ce (in script) over 43, likely rejected and stamped and...