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  1. Winchester Cowboy

    bnz 4

    Just show us the pics. We don’t want to see you get taken to the cleaners. What is the big deal anyway?
  2. Winchester Cowboy

    bnz 4

    The Real Life Scenarios: Maybe it’s Hot, as in a Stolen Item from Midnight Parts Supply down by the river? Maybe not? Or, maybe you’re the Seller, and worried if you post pics and it has issues you will be stuck with it? Now if you’re the Buyer: You have absolutely nothing to lose by posting...
  3. Winchester Cowboy

    bnz 4

    Why can’t you get pics from the seller? It might be a magnificent Hump Job!
  4. Winchester Cowboy

    Steyr SS Single Rune authentic?

    So it would be somewhat like this analogy. A buyer sees a Rune K98 for sale and really gets turned on just like a Cat smelling Cat Nip or a Dog humping a football and opens his wallet to the max until the last dollar bill falls out because of the Rune that is very visual and really stands...
  5. Winchester Cowboy

    Steyr SS Single Rune authentic?

    I would be interested in hearing your point of view and reasons why as well.
  6. Winchester Cowboy

    Steyr SS Single Rune authentic?

    So which would be more desirable, the SS Contract bnz43 or the SS Rune bnz43? Or are they in the same league?
  7. Winchester Cowboy

    Banner Mauser K98 - Any good ?

    If the price is right for you, I would take it. Looks pretty good. You get about the same satisfaction with a pricey all matching as you do a bolt mismatch with wear and tear on it…without the sticker shock! Lol
  8. Winchester Cowboy

    Where have all the OC gone? (Original Contributors)

    Who here remembers “The Night of the Long Salamis” when a lot of us were getting banned on GB and the old G/K Forum that Ranvette and Chickvette hosted? Lol We were dropping like flies daily! It might have been the best thing that happened. Thankfully this great forum was the result.
  9. Winchester Cowboy

    Kriegsmodell Volume III - With Mold/Mildew - Any Treatment?

    I would try Concrobium in the spray bottle for the mold.
  10. Winchester Cowboy

    Hardness test mark

    Maybe training day on the new hardness tester! Everyone got a turn.
  11. Winchester Cowboy

    BYF 42 Saving private Ryan

    And the other thing is, can he guarantee which movie and which actor used the rifle? Or did the rifle just sit in a film prop truck or warehouse on the movie set or location?
  12. Winchester Cowboy


    My bmj is in post #10 in this older thread.
  13. Winchester Cowboy

    Help: 1938 42, but reject?

    How many Pesos are being asked señor?
  14. Winchester Cowboy

    Six Phases of K98 Collecting— (my view only)

    Number VII. Cashing In the Investment…Ka-Ching!
  15. Winchester Cowboy

    Six Phases of K98 Collecting— (my view only)

    The thrill of the hunt looking for and finding K98’s is what keeps some of us going!
  16. Winchester Cowboy

    Love me some phosphate.

    Nice Collection!
  17. Winchester Cowboy

    Building a fake sniper Kar98 K

    This is where it’s at and what you want! 8X Zielacht on Robert Spielauer High Turret Mounts on a byf44 K98. Think Big, in terms of the scope, like the movie, Enemy at the Gates!
  18. Winchester Cowboy


    That’s a real nice bayonet. Never seen one before. I even have a tgf50 rifle hoarded away from years gone by.