Search results

  1. Winchester Cowboy

    Luftwaffe ladle

  2. Winchester Cowboy

    U-Boat issued??

    This rifle would be a perfect candidate to carve with a jack knife super size SS Runes and life size Eagles in the stock, chrome plating all the metal is a must. :googlie
  3. Winchester Cowboy

    Notice to All: Calling out Humping

    Are the Ceiling Cat, the Humpy Dance video, and Big Pimpin' pictures still allowed? :biggrin1:
  4. Winchester Cowboy

    U-Boot Captain Soldbuch with a twist.

    What happens in the U-Boat stays in the U-boat! Lol Poor guy, it was the race to the bottom for him.
  5. Winchester Cowboy

    Pre War DRP and DR Banners

    Here's one I picked up a while back
  6. Winchester Cowboy

    Hitler's Personal Parade Car Postcard

    Thanks for posting, interesting features listed on the back side of the postcard.
  7. Winchester Cowboy

    PTR44 Semi-Auto MP44

    Tempting to sell mine too.
  8. Winchester Cowboy

    Kids with a DeWat Thompson

    It would make a Great Movie compared to the pile of crap on TV today! Thanks for Sharing! :thumbsup:
  9. Winchester Cowboy

    Your Christmas wish list

    Santa can bring me a fully operational and restored Tiger Tank full of K98 rifles from every year in the turret! lol
  10. Winchester Cowboy


    Nice work!
  11. Winchester Cowboy

    Never finished bnz 45?

    Very nice and interesting rifle!
  12. Winchester Cowboy

    Looking for a Duffle Cut Repair Man - 1918 K98(az) Erfurt

    Hambone posted an excellent tutorial on his dufflecut repair a few years back.
  13. Winchester Cowboy

    Early SS contract

    When you sell it to me or need a Gunbroker description, here it is! Lol This Fräulein was rode hard and put away wet!
  14. Winchester Cowboy

    a block German High Power

    Nice Pistol Andrew.
  15. Winchester Cowboy

    So this walked in today

    A Nice Find for the Summer! :thumbsup:
  16. Winchester Cowboy

    K43 AC45 sporter rescue

    I think I "Will It" (<=That's Legal Talk!) to the K98 Forum Trader someday Roger, and keep it in the K98 Family. LOL