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  1. M

    New to k98k's; need a value opinion

    No longer on hold, it is priced at $2,300.
  2. M

    New to k98k's; need a value opinion

    How do you ID a gun which has been bubba'd vs. a war time repair or refinish? Is that more along the lines of having non-matching but period correct parts?
  3. M

    New to k98k's; need a value opinion

    As a learning point for me, what specifically tipped you off that this is not all original?
  4. M

    New to k98k's; need a value opinion

    Thanks for the expert opinions guys, I really do appreciate it. The overall quality had me a bit concerned but I was hopeful that was justifying the price. Sounds like that is not the case. Do you guys have any recommendations for a vendor who has fairly priced, not bubba'd up K98s? Being...
  5. M

    New to k98k's; need a value opinion

    Thanks for your help on this!!! It seems like the pricing is all over the place and you literally have to go over every single part to ensure it is legit.
  6. M

    New to k98k's; need a value opinion

    Thanks for the feedback to this point. I have included the direct link to the K98 in question:
  7. M

    New to k98k's; need a value opinion

    Hi all, new to this forum and new to K98k overall.... and the variability in the pricing is mind blowing! I have collected a number of other milsurps and I have never seen so many issues with forged serial number matching, etc. I have found a DOT 43 K98k on consignment for $2,300 - the gun...