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  1. S

    Gew98...k98 What do I have here.

    So are you going to leave it like that or try and remove the paint?
  2. S

    My 1943 German K98

    Aw cool! did you grab the one that was there in January?
  3. S

    My 1943 German K98

    Yes, Kittery Trading Post. :thumbsup:
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    My 1943 German K98

    Ok, the piece just arrived. It took some effort to seperate the bayonet lug and the barrel band, but after that it was pretty simple. The pin went into the bayonet lug pretty easily, though it just barely wont go all the way through. I tried putting the barrel band back on, but it won't fit over...
  5. S

    My 1943 German K98

    Great! I shall order the lug post-haste!
  6. S


    I've been using Federal ammo, but I just got a box of Hornady, nice to hear it's good. :thumbsup:
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    My 1943 German K98

    Alright, I found a site that sells K98 parts. There it is, part 34. That should work right?
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    My 1943 German K98

    Any ideas on how to get the Bayonet mount over it? I don't have the piece, so I have no idea how it will work.
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    My 1943 German K98

    I've already shot it on multiple occasions, its simple (but annoying) to pull the barrel bands back after each shot. Besides that quirck, it shoots great. Easily hit lemonade cans at over 80 yards. Getting this piece and fixing will make it much more enjoyable though. Also, anything I need to...
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    My 1943 German K98

    Wow! it's that simple, was wondering what that hole was for! Thank you so much guys!
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    My 1943 German K98

    Hello fellow Mauser lovers! This is my first post here, besides the introduction on the Introduction thread. I thought it would be good to share my first and currently only K98. She is a 1943 German K98, with original stock and barrel. The other parts? I haven't gone through in depth, but many...
  12. S

    Hello From New England!

    Hello fellow Mauser lovers! My name is Orrin, and I'm from Maine! I am 18, and a major WW2 nut. I recently found My beutiful 1943 k98 at a trading post of all places, just sitting there on the used gun rack! This is not only my first K98, but also my first gun period! I will make a thread in...