Yes I know about books ,etc., i just feel by doing all this reading and comparing something good might slip by.
I guess I was trying to get a quick jump on things;
I'm sorry about the rules,won't happen again!!!!!!!
Now 1 question,if a new guy to the hobby ,seeks help before he throws money away, where dose he go to get the knowledge he needs?
and thanks for your input
I need a little guidance please,would someone with alot more experience than I ,I'm really just starting. Take a look at #487556840 on gun broker for me and give me an expert opinion.
late war 98k
thanks to you and all that helped.
but I could not find the picture you told me about,i looked for quite a while.
thank again to all
boy you opened up some memories,when you mentioned COURTHOUSE BAY,I'LL BET THAT CHANGED QUITE A BIT since I was there in 65 we used the old p-5
they did good in RVN.Were you in trace or just out there standing guard.
I must apologize for the younger guy almost running you over. But your lucky, if it were the older tractor rats you would have been a spot on the road. lol...
I just recently purchased a "DOT 44"its about 90% matching.
Dose anyone have the CORRECT FRONT sight for this rifle,they could sell,I didn't notice
it was wrong till I got home.