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    G43 Sniper Scope & Mount Opinion

    My thoughts confirmed. Rifle also looks sanded etc.
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    G43 Sniper Scope & Mount Opinion

    Scope appears to be legit and the 4x digit serial would indicate early production. Other things I don't like about this piece, but I will let others chime in to confirm some suspicions.
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    Mystery "Sniper" K98

    LSR reproduction mounts are all over the place and the pin and screw holes do not always line up consistently. The slide rails are also different - I have some original scopes with upper mounts and I have tried to make them fit 3x reproduction bases and the bases are not even close to original...
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    G/K43 stock source

    PPU Fox originally had the cross grain too (stronger actually) but eventually corrected that error.
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    Mystery "Sniper" K98

    I would agree - someone made an SSR clone. Waffen Meister has the best reproduction base/mount for the money. I have an original Saure "ce" SSR with original base and his reproduction top mount slid right on! As mentioned the rifle is incorrect for an SSR but since drilled and tapped anyhow...
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    New to me g43 with cosmetic receiver

    I do like the chatter on the stock!
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    G/K43 Front sight Base

    True problem - if you have a reproduction sight base you can use a Dremel on the inside to widen it and make it fit the larger barrel. If using an original, I would try to find the proper size.
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    ZF-4 reproduction scopes: Meopta vs. Japanese Comparison of the modern Meopta ZF4 to an original. Wow - 12x years ago.....I am getting old which is better than the alternative. I purchased the modern Meopta as it also came with a reproduction FG42...
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    ZF-4 reproduction scopes: Meopta vs. Japanese

    I could be wrong but I think waffenmeister scopes are maybe from Taiwan. I would say Meopta are the better of the two scopes - primarily because they actually made ZF4 scopes for the Germans in WWII as well as other scopes. I have handled both (Frankonia use to sell the Meopta version with a...
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    Sporterizing my K98.

    I have a Williams K98 sporter that I picked up to maybe use for a sniper clone project. I do have to admit that there are some companies out there that do take military rifles and use the action as a base for some very lovely hunting rifles. Fanzoj from Ferlach Austria does just that, they use...
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    The "Best" G43?

    Most of the 'cosmetic machined' receivers were contracted receivers and showed up on Gustloff or Walther rifles. Some showed up early and then a bunch were recycled receivers used later on. Claus has a pretty good serial number list and the style of receiver finish is noticed. These cosmetic...
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    G/K43 bolts on AAS Sniper

    Does AASniper have a new website? I tried looking at their site within the last week or two and had no success.
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    1919 nagant revolver

    Nice revolver - very rare to find one that hasn't been refinished by a Soviet Arsenal. Most non-refurbs were likely captures or personal property of White Russians.
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    WZ29 1937

    No stock markings or proofs. Just two pencil numbers in the stock channel. Triggerguard, floor plate and bands all blank.
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    Lots of things to like in this photograph (Fallschirmjäger - Zf.41 - rg34 - Smock & Helmet Cover - S84/98)

    I like the bed head board used as a stable rest. Looks like he is oiling/cleaning his bayonet - so maybe a lag in the battle so to say.
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    WZ29 1937

    Polish WZ29 with crest intact and side markings. MM straight bolt but also Polish marked. Stock with honest dings and dents. Thought I would share.
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    Gew98 to k98 conversion

    That triangle proof is certainly East German or Yugo - I forget which but I have seen it on Post-War Refurbished MP44's, maybe someone else has a better memory than me today. K98 collecting is a tough game in Canada and there are limited options. 1. Collect original and all matching rifles...
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    Gew98 to k98 conversion

    I believe this rifle is for sale in Canada and that the seller is a member on this forum. The rifle does appear to be a legit G98/K98 conversion and I have a similar rifle in my collection (original crest etc). Sometimes people will remove the stocks and find more information under the stock...
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    What Oil to Use on Bare Birch MP44 Stock?

    Love Schaftol and Ballistol - I use them both on my British SxS shotguns.
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    S27 1936 CE 1943 (Sauer)