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    ZF4 for shooter grade G43

    I know it Hitler's Garands that Darrin joked that someone should donate a mount to do some metallurgy testing. This would be the perfect piece to do it on!!! Nice find...salty. You get a nice original band/bolt too! Pretty early serial number as well.
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    Another double “X” VoPo

    And it SOLD.....nice thing about being a business and being able to take Credit Cards.
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    Rough Forged Update 23 OCT 20

    Received two sets today - one for a friend and one for myself. Maybe the first sets to hit Canada! It was nice to see that I made the contributors list. I haven't had a chance to look through the books yet, but interested in the comments on the SVT's. Probably one of the most misunderstood...
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    Another double “X” VoPo

    The initial picture gave me the same thought. Once I zoomed it, I could tell it was an original VoPo re-finished stock. Orange/Red sanded and polished shellac on a sanded stock, this seems to be the style on 90%+ of VoPo G/K43's I've handled in Canada. The price is optimistic....Marstar had a...
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    Another double “X” VoPo

    Price does seem optimistic. VoPo's use to go for $2500-3500 CDN just a year ago. Repro mount/optic $500 USD on Ebay. I am very interested in seeing how quickly it sells.
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    Another double “X” VoPo

    VoPo k43. Serial #4856 (waiting on a letter suffix) K43 qve45 Aye Mag All forces matched (stamped and electo pencil) Repro mount/Scope Typical ruby polished/shellac stock. Most interesting is it is a double Refurb. Big “X” and Little “x”. Likely two Sunbursts as well. This is the third double...
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    Zf41 numbered front sun shade

    I have a sun shade marked in the same way. I always thought some type of production/part number etc. I am interested to know the real answer.
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    Classic Firearms Refurbs

    I am wondering if one of the Mods would actually consider making a tab that discusses Refurb/Captured rifles? I understand the point of this website is to focus and research historical examples but I believe refurbs and especially captured rifles are a variation in their own right. This would...
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    An ac45 F block has surfaced

    Certainly a Scare if not Rare rifle in Canada. Long Rifle bring backs are quite uncommon as the Canadians had no souvenir policy. Many nice handguns got smuggled back but very few rifles were ever brought back and generally by officers. However, there have been very few imports of G/K43's...
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    ZF4 Mount - original or reproduction?

    If an individual seller his guarantee is likely worth nothing. Even a guarantee from a reputable dealer is questionable. Great example was the "champagne rune decal" SS helmets. Sold for years by reputable dealers who offered a guarantee on their items for years, but as soon as they were...
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    ZF4 Mount - original or reproduction?

    If an individual seller his guarantee is likely worth nothing. Even a guarantee from a reputable dealer is questionable. Great example was the "champagne rune decal" SS helmets. Sold for years by reputable dealers who offered a guarantee on their items for years, but as soon as they were...
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    ZF4 Mount - original or reproduction?

    I couldn't say for sure that it is a fake without holding it in my hands, but looks doubtful. Serial number close, but looks engraved versus acid etched (corners too clean and not italicized enough as someone mentioned). I also don't like the milling marks on the back of the base, seem...
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    G43- bolt lug repair

    If a MM bolt, just replace the locking flaps. Repro would be cheaper but eventually pick up a set of originals.
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    G43- bolt lug repair

    To me it comes down to is the rifle a shooter or collector? If the lug is matching, I would have it repaired but treated properly. You can always have a second set for shooting and include it with the rifle if you ever sell. I know lots of people who shoot use gas/spring kits and even spare...
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    G43- bolt lug repair

    Welder or gunsmith could do it but they would need to use anneal heat treating in order to withstand the pressures. You can find original non-matching locking flaps, make sure you purchase the right one, as one has a cut out dimple and one does not. There are also the Dutch repro's, but I...
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    K43 serial

    Here is the other example. “Q” block but also low digit
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    K43 serial

    Double VoPo rifle. The 2x "X's" represent double acceptance/refurb by the East Germans. Magazine being stamped forced matched was also typical of the East Germans and sometimes they would EP the serial on the side of the magazine. Only the second VoPo that I have ever seen with the two "x's"
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    Scope Mount Zf4: help!!

    The other two later mounts pictured are IMHO are original. The difference is in the 'rough' finish. Most reproductions mounts lack this and were milled to a fine finish. There was a Czech run of reproduction mounts that had a finish similar to originals but kindly had the wrong waffen ampt to...
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    Scope Mount Zf4: help!!

    Scope looks legit. Mount/Bands seems like one of the nicer and more recent re-productions out the Ukraine and then the set has been aged. IMHO
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    Sticky Scope Rail / Mount

    For adjustments, you can remove the stamped cover and then unscrew the small screws to reveal the drum adjustment underneath. You can then re-set the drum like you would on a modern scope once you have your zero or have run out of adjustments. Then you just put the drum cover and stamped cover...