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  1. R

    How I can tell if real or fake?

    Yep buying from a member here on the forum will save you much regret in the long run. Honest group here and straight answers.
  2. R

    CE 44

    Thanks for sharing. Always interesting to see the differences between early and late war rifles.
  3. R

    Mitchell’s Mauser K98 - What is this thing, please

    I'll never forget all their advertising in the glossy gun rags years back. Think they were charging around $300 for one of those polished gems to begin with. Am sure they sold a bundle to the unwary. Wonder how many have been resold lately at an inflated price?
  4. R

    All Matching DOT 44 with sling

    Does look to be in very good condition. Always thought the front sight hood adds to the overall looks on 98ks. Nice you scored it!
  5. R

    243 1939 Luft Matching

    Looks nice SVW! Only 1 year off from my 1940 Borsigwalde but mine is army H issuance. My cleaning rod is unmarked also but is the correct length. Nice to have the Weimar style eagle from early 39 production. Thanks for sharing.
  6. R

    Does this look like a real wwii k98k? Or is it some fake? Trying to learn the signs of a fake from a real k98k. Calling all experts.

    Bet your are glad you ask here! Best place to be to learn and not get burned especially for a questionable K98. Members here will not steer you wrong.
  7. R

    byf45 Zf41 in Walnut

    Pics look great from here actually. Sounds awful rare in walnut. Nice gun to have and thanks for sharing.
  8. R

    byf 41 Luftwaffe

    Thanks for sharing! Nice having walnut and for that year. Well worth the price in the long run. Bet you will be thanking yourself down the road for grabbing a nice example!
  9. R

    1937 Mauser S/42 P.08 Luger

    I would be happy too! Does look great and bluing is in great condition.
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    Just bought this, did I get a good deal? BYF 44

    Well ya might try searching right here. Much more honest examples from people in the know here. Quote a price range and ya just might have some luck.
  11. R

    Just bought this, did I get a good deal? BYF 44

    Amazing what some people will do! Never could figure out why some can never leave well enough alone.
  12. R

    Inherited 1937 mauser k 98 s/42. Need more information

    Real shame concerning the stock but such an early one well worth a replacement stock as Cyrano suggests. Bet that metal will clean up with some TLC.
  13. R

    Old ad with Post-War K98k rifles

    Love to see those old ads. Hard to believe $25 was a good chunk of change back in the early 60s. Yep a Time Machine sounds pretty good now.
  14. R

    Second opinion on a Kriegsmarine K98 S/147/G

    Hope you fined one as nice. Like others said it should come along eventually.
  15. R

    BCD 43 sporter rescue

    Came out very nice so it looks. Glad you could locate parts and bring it back.
  16. R

    G41 (M) Spotted at The Syracuse NY Gun Show this Past Weekend

    Holy crap! Yeah I would not touch it either for that price! Nice to see one in person though. Thanks for the pic.
  17. R

    New to the forum

    Welcome to the best place to be for gaining knowledge. post some pics. It will probably not be your last 98k.
  18. R

    Erma K98 1940

    Is a great looking rifle! Bluing appears great.
  19. R

    SS contract single rune sn.3916

    Looks great hale! Thanks for the pics. Great score and SS contract.
  20. R

    Help With First Purchase

    Love that "fruit juicer" in the butt stock! What some dream up is beyond laughable. Yeah much better to check the Trader Section here!