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  1. B

    How can i fix the area around recoil lug for my yugo 98k?

    Gunbroker is a fast way for me to turn a 500 dollar gun into a 660 dollar gun. And I've already got a grudge against the site because of how many boomers screw me out of a deal because they look it up on gunbroker just to see it's being sold for 400 than what I'm asking as a deal.
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    How can i fix the area around recoil lug for my yugo 98k?

    Got a yugo so it would be a good way to get a German looking mauser without it being a actual german one. M48's are cool but I wanted a specific look not just a mauser pattern, I still plan to find a good 1903 and that would have been a better mauser pattern for me since 30-06 is so prolific...
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    How can i fix the area around recoil lug for my yugo 98k?

    I was checking the trader when I was looking for a 98 before I found this one, and still they were all way out of my price range. Right now I'm thinking I probably should just cut my loses and just be one of the regular people with only a glock and an AR as boring and samey as it is.
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    How can i fix the area around recoil lug for my yugo 98k?

    I thought that a rifle that looks like a museum piece or at the vary least fresh out of the factory it wouldn't have so many issues with it. The other yugo mauser I seen looks like it is in a rougher stock but I would still end up paying exactly what I payed for this one. Rus captures or other...
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    How can i fix the area around recoil lug for my yugo 98k?

    Other than the lug there is nothing else wrong with it. I still could do likely what I paid for it but I doubt I will be able to sell it either way, I have so much trouble selling shite in my area.
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    How can i fix the area around recoil lug for my yugo 98k?

    I Would love a 1903 but I still would want a 98k there is another yugo that's in a little bit rougher condition near me but I dont have the money to go and buy it and then attempt to sell mine. Unfortunately shipping rifles and doing transfers are alot of a headache then I'm really wanting to...
  7. B

    How can i fix the area around recoil lug for my yugo 98k?

    I dont really think I'm comfortable with cutting out anything I was trying to make as little modifications as I can with the fear of breaking more than already is a problem. I was trying to avoid getting a replacement stock just because they are so expensive and there is no gaurentee they won't...
  8. B

    How can i fix the area around recoil lug for my yugo 98k?

    So im basically SOL on ever really shooting it again, replacement stocks are all pretty expensive or are in worse condition than mine. A couple sporterized stocks even have worse setback recoil lugs than what I'm dealing with, so I shoot it with a replacement stock and that one will likely break...
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    How can i fix the area around recoil lug for my yugo 98k?

    So, just to be sure of the process, sweat the hell out of the space, then put that barreled action back in it and push the bolt to the bayonet lug, take out the barrel and epoxy what space is behind the bolt after that? That doesn't sound to bad if I do It right. And i was going to use some...
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    How can i fix the area around recoil lug for my yugo 98k?

    I was going to use a hair dryer again, I only seen this when I tried sweating out the stock since it was oozing cosmoline everytime I shot it. But I can try to get out as much of the punched up garbage soaked in the crevice is there a way to tell when it's dry enough?
  11. B

    How can i fix the area around recoil lug for my yugo 98k?

    I can just use a hair dryer to get out as much of the grease as I can and just epoxy it, but does the hole in the side wall matter then at that point? I'm assuming there isn't a way to knock the "shelf" back into place is there? And very luckily there is nothing wrong with the tang or anything...
  12. B

    How can i fix the area around recoil lug for my yugo 98k?

    I dont know if any of these help, but I'm not sure if that really is a chunk that had been pushed back. My yugo sks stock has alot of raised wood that I'm guessing they used as a way to bed the rifle.
  13. B

    How can i fix the area around recoil lug for my yugo 98k?

    Cleaning out my stock of some of the cosmoline ended up revealing a hole in the side wall I guess to the recoil lug washer. I took the lug out after I noticed that it was loose so it wasn't tightened down when I was shooting it previously. I was going to use epoxy to fill out the space behind...