Search results

  1. Embalmer

    SOS 2025 byf43 pick up. All Matching from a German half track

    Could always buy the rack parts to put it in
  2. Embalmer

    Bcd 42

    Yes he's looking for code under buttplate, like this
  3. Embalmer

    Bcd 42

    Very nice one, def looks hardly used. Is earlier than my O block one, why was curious.
  4. Embalmer

    Bcd 42

    What letter block is the serial number? Hard to tell if E or G by bolt handle
  5. Embalmer

    BCD 42 k98

    Only reason looks plausible is the font matches rest of the gustloff 4's(4s different on bnz marked rifles from what seen) and the wear matches the gustloff floor plate making look together from beginning. Just an oddity that's annoying lol.
  6. Embalmer

    Mitchell's Value Inquiry

    I had a byf43 from Mitchell's I got dirt cheap from someone years ago only original matching parts was receiver, barrel and possibly sights. Rest was force matched. Turned into a repro high turret for vintage sniper matches, and cold blued bolt. I knew want worth crap as a collectible, but...
  7. Embalmer

    What could have caused the damage to this rear barrel band? Bullet?

    Looks like bad welding. Was the sling swivel look detached? Edit: didn't see other pics... Does look like high velocity hit
  8. Embalmer

    BCD 42 k98

    Yeah I was going off this that I found
  9. Embalmer

    BCD 42 k98

    Complete parts breakdown incase anyone researched or collected info for research info. I found limited info on BCD 42 rifles, and most pronounced things was seemed to use allot of contractor parts to assemble rifles around this time from what I read. Receiver: BCD 42, eagle swastika 749 top...
  10. Embalmer

    Fake Luftwaffe depo build?

    First glance zoomed in looked like outline of a S on left, but rest doesn't line up so not sure now.
  11. Embalmer

    Fake Luftwaffe depo build?

    Want to say rifle was originally a s/42
  12. Embalmer

    Rebuilding my Mauser K98k collection

    I remember seeing your other cars when came to visit and drooling over them... But def love these older sedans more. Had room for it id look for a 37 olds touring project
  13. Embalmer

    K43 w/questions

    Can try Murray's gunstocks in Oregon. Made one for a k43 I owned years ago. Was happy with it
  14. Embalmer

    Reblue a k98k, who can?

    Yeah I've gone back and forth on this. As much as I would like mine to look factory new, erased the battlefield look off been there done that with no way bringing it back. Learned to love the thinning splotchy finish
  15. Embalmer

    Merry Xmas to all!

    Merry Christmas
  16. Embalmer

    BCD 42 k98

    While cleaning up my k98, found a nice little surprise I've never noticed. Never seen a numbered cleaning rod in my life, so never looked. But under light noticed mine was stamped 84. We're they still numbered in late 41 early 42?
  17. Embalmer

    K98 display case

    Mine are behind weighed 2"ash, 3/4" ballistic glass inletted in wood frame with hidden fob locks with gas shock assistance to lift heavy cover. Usually just rub them down with break free clp once a year.
  18. Embalmer

    Real or fake cleaning rod?

    Thanks, what I was leaning to. Was in a spares bin. Was curious if real or not to see if worth hassle to sell.
  19. Embalmer

    K98 display case

    Built a display into a coffee table, that is easily concealable of what it is. This way can enjoy looking at what's in there, but conceal contents from prying eyes
  20. Embalmer

    Real or fake cleaning rod?

    Must admit my expertise is U.S. arms. While cleaning and oiling my k98, noticed the threaded area is bent or little off center. Made me wonder if it's a repro or original cleaning rod. No markings etc.