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  1. G

    1914 Erfurt wont chamber a round

    Thank you. I will have one on order soon.
  2. G

    1914 Erfurt wont chamber a round

    After diggiing through some random stuff it turns out I actually have one....but It isn't doing poop. I'm soaking it in penetrating oil overnight
  3. G

    1914 Erfurt wont chamber a round

    The bottom half of case is fingerprints. It's a clear defined ring. Looks kinda jagged in a couple spots.
  4. G

    1914 Erfurt wont chamber a round

    Not sharpie. Just an older tarnished case
  5. G

    1914 Erfurt wont chamber a round

    That case was from one attempt to chamber. The marks on the end are the results of it hitting whatever is in there. I will color with sharpie and re attempt. Thank you all!
  6. G

    1914 Erfurt wont chamber a round

    Yes I'm an idiot and misworded the original reply. :) (I edited original reply for the second time to reflet It WILL close on an empty CHAMBER. I've been using an empty case to try and diagnose things. It WILL NOT close on an empty CASE. The empty case hits something (as seen in...
  7. G

    1914 Erfurt wont chamber a round

    Here's the bolt btw...
  8. G

    1914 Erfurt wont chamber a round

    I see what you're saying. My apologies. I read that wrong.
  9. G

    1914 Erfurt wont chamber a round

    I haven't been looking in the barrel. Been looking in the chamber/action with the bolt out. I know nothing about this gun other than it was inherited from my step dad who got it from someone else. So history unknown. This is first adventure into older arms.
  10. G

    1914 Erfurt wont chamber a round

    It will NOT close on an empty case it WILL close on an empty chamber. I attached a picture above of how far a round will sit into the chamber. You can see it doesn't look right (to me) and the witness marks on the empty case. I'll order a headspace gauge. My thoughts are if it was a broken...
  11. G

    1914 Erfurt wont chamber a round

    I guess I'll have to get a bore scope. I've looked with lights t both ends of the barrel. If it's in there it has created a totally seamless (to my eyes) transition into the barrel
  12. G

    1914 Erfurt wont chamber a round

    Bolt does close on an empty chamber with no issues at all. Thank you for the info on ammo..I won't be firing it.
  13. G

    1914 Erfurt wont chamber a round

    Thank you for the reply...had to resize my pictures. It is not a fired round. I just pulled the slug out of the case. . I've tried surplus ammo and also Remington 8mm SP rounds. I'm sorry I don't have dial calipers to measure. See pictures of bolt. That's with a round tring to chamber. Its a...
  14. G

    1914 Erfurt wont chamber a round

    Hey all, been trying to figure this out for a while. I have a 1914 Kar 98 that won't chamber a round. The receiver and barrel match. It does have a straight handle bolt which I understand to be incorrect. A few other serials do not match also. This isn't a museum piece or anything but I would...