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  1. Justinlacore

    now $9k for a STG44 dummy gun?

    A PTR build kit came up on gun broker‘s don’t quite understand the builders kit part because it seems that the upper receiver is already finished. But if anyone’s interested and has $6000 it could be yours
  2. Justinlacore

    now $9k for a STG44 dummy gun?

    It’s crazy what people will pay for something. Can’t blame the seller he started out at One penny. I guess I’m lucky I have a re-pro MP44 so there’s no reason to spend large amounts of money on parts for it I can just stick with the DK parts for a quarter of the price
  3. Justinlacore

    now $9k for a STG44 dummy gun?

    Over 1000 bucks for just a handguard! I guess $500-$600 for a magazine doesn’t seem like much it’s got four individual parts to it.
  4. Justinlacore

    PTR44 Semi-Auto MP44

    Well I couldn’t find anyone to do any gun blueing in a reasonable time so I thought I’d try prema blue and for the time being it will work just fine. I applied it with a Scotch-Brite pad and was able to keep the color pretty consistent. It is a little bit browner than all of the other parts but...
  5. Justinlacore

    now $9k for a STG44 dummy gun?

    Looks like a snake that eat a rat found a piece that would fix that thing up nice and bring it back to its former glory
  6. Justinlacore

    PTR44 Semi-Auto MP44

    Was able to move the spring perch on the follow up .25 now I’m able to load 15 rounds.
  7. Justinlacore

    PTR44 Semi-Auto MP44

    Yes they were in the PTR 44 I just deleted it because it just made it simpler you can’t fire out of battery because the Operation rod with the plunger that strikes the Firing pin is too far back to strike the primer until the bolt tilts down and is fully closed. Similar set up like a AR-15 no...
  8. Justinlacore

    PTR44 Semi-Auto MP44

    yes They are from DK productions.
  9. Justinlacore

    PTR44 Semi-Auto MP44

    Well I tried my shorten mag followers in my 10 round magazine’s with the short mag follower I was Able to comfortably load 14 but you can get 15 in it But you have to force it to chambering. so I’m going to move where the spring sits up .25 and the 15th round will be comfortable in the magazine...
  10. Justinlacore

    PTR44 Semi-Auto MP44

    Thanks for answering the question for me.
  11. Justinlacore

    PTR44 Semi-Auto MP44

    Question? Are 8mm Kurz stripper clips the same as 8mm Mauser stripper clips? Thanks
  12. Justinlacore

    PTR44 Semi-Auto MP44

    Another update on the mag followers that I cut. For my rifle they work awesome I can load the magazines to 30 rounds and there is no nose down tendencies. I did machine a ramp in the barrel but it is very shallow I mostly did it just for looks but in my early Bench testing it never had it and I...
  13. Justinlacore

    PTR44 Semi-Auto MP44

    Thanks just trying to help others that are building them now.
  14. Justinlacore

    PTR44 Semi-Auto MP44

    update on the MP44 I have 200 rounds through it with one hangup Where the trunnion and sheet metal meet. A little hammer forming from the rib down solve this problem. The second problem I’ve had is the Bolt velocity is too high and it pretty much Destroys the cases not good for reloading. I...
  15. Justinlacore

    PTR44 Semi-Auto MP44

    there’s nothing like firing the first round out of a rifle that you built. Wow! 7.92x33 Is a pussycat to shoot. Things I did differently from the original is deleted the grip stick in the trigger housing shorten the followers in the magazines and made a plastic bumper for the operation rod to...
  16. Justinlacore

    PTR44 Semi-Auto MP44

    She’s ready to eat
  17. Justinlacore

    PTR44 Semi-Auto MP44

    Finally got around to putting together the MP44 Did a few things different but for the most part pretty standard MP44. I have a couple things still to do maybe shoot it next weekend
  18. Justinlacore

    Mp44 in 5.56
