Third Party Press

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  1. H

    About to Get a Mauser

    Well, I got it last weekend. Good news is all of the parts that I can see match. Serial number on everything matches, including screws. Gun looks unfired Bad news is the reason it looks unfired is it has been sporterized and reblued. Also drilled and tapped for the adjustable rear peep sight...
  2. H

    About to Get a Mauser

    Don't I have to break it down to see the serial numbers to see if it's original?
  3. H

    About to Get a Mauser

    My father in law was given a rifle by his uncle before his uncle passed away about 5 years ago. My FIL is not a gun guy at all but he is moving so he wants to give the rifle to me. His uncle served in WW II in England and supposedly brought the rifle home with him. I haven't seen it in person...

Military Rifle Journal