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  1. Tiger 2 Tank

    WTK factory stock assembly procedure.

    I wish I could but the time I have is limited right now (holidays). And, not sure I can get set up and photos for what I’m referring to. I can show it in hand, but don’t know if photos will do the trick. If I can get some extra time I’ll see what I can do with the camera. The lighting will...
  2. Tiger 2 Tank

    WTK factory stock assembly procedure.

    I don’t know if I missed this or what in my Darrin Weaver books or my K.98k Karem/Steves books. But, when stocks were built, right after they were shaped and cut, when was the hardware assembled in or on them? Trying to figure out how all that came together. I have a later K.43 ac45 NLS that...
  3. Tiger 2 Tank

    G/K43 serial number parts list

    I don’t know. I only have one entry on it where it was on gunbroker on 08-18-2020 and it came from Landenberg, PA. The bolt group matches itself (#7018 bolt, #18 on locking lugs, #18 firing pin housing BUT the bolt carrier is #7013). Wonder if the electro pencil guy mistook the bolt carrier...
  4. Tiger 2 Tank

    G/K43 serial number parts list

    I have this rifle in my serial numbers listings as a possible ORIGINAL mismatched rifle. Be careful about swapping out bolt carriers as you might be killing some of the history. It would be neat to get the numbered bolt carrier though and have with it. I have it reported that the 08-18-2020...
  5. Tiger 2 Tank

    G43? Not

    That’s strange how there’s no magazine. If you ever want one, a correct one will cost probably around the $400 mark or more, depending on what manufacturer and finish it has on it. Some of them were blued, gray phosphated and painted black. The painted ones you have to be careful they aren’t...
  6. Tiger 2 Tank

    Winning the magazine matching lottery

    Is his list public or you just need to ask him if a particular mag is on his list? Thanks.
  7. Tiger 2 Tank

    Winning the magazine matching lottery

    Wow, that’s awesome. Did Legacy just happen to have the mag or how did that come about? Good that he did that as a lot of people would have seriously jacked the price up because they knew you needed it. I bought a really gorgeous SS PP with matching mag a long time ago from Legacy. Your PPk...
  8. Tiger 2 Tank

    G43? Not

    Like said above, don’t take the butt plate off, just open the butt plate door-just wanted to emphasize that. Cosmetic receivers are also called milled receivers by us collectors. Some of these receivers are clean looking where they were milled to look nice. After a short while, it was...
  9. Tiger 2 Tank

    G43? Not

    Oh my that looks like a nice one! So far, I see a good stock on it. The wood mill lines are present and there’s crisp sharp wood at the stock recoil lug. That is a rare rifle. It’s a G/K.43 marked “no letter block” ac45 WITH a cosmetic receiver. It’s marked with both designations “G.43“ and...
  10. Tiger 2 Tank

    Legacy VIS 35 have a laugh

    And another one at -97%. Someone’s gotta say something to them that this isn’t 97%. I know this stuff is subjective but dang…..
  11. Tiger 2 Tank

    Legacy VIS 35 have a laugh

    Correction: It’s not $35 per month, it’s $29.99 per month and it’s called being a VIP member (I corrected my post where I incorrectly thought it was $35 a month and couldn’t recall what this level of membership was).
  12. Tiger 2 Tank

    Legacy VIS 35 have a laugh

    Yeah, (buy now price) $8,766.00 for that pile of crap! Gunbroker, go figure. I think our hobby has completely lost itself somewhere down the line.
  13. Tiger 2 Tank

    Legacy VIS 35 have a laugh

    It’s called being a VIP member. He talks about it in one of his videos where it’s “not for everyone” and it’s only for those that buy large quantities of firearms, primarily for the free shipping. So, you pay your $29.99 bucks a month and you are lumped in with others that do the same and all...
  14. Tiger 2 Tank

    Frank Sinatra's G43 in 'Suddenly'

    Wonder where these are now?
  15. Tiger 2 Tank

    1944 Walther PP

    Nice military proofed PP at that. Probably a bring back, but who knows how it got here.
  16. Tiger 2 Tank

    Radom VIS Second Series D block Late Wood Grips

    Yeah, those are really nice! One day I’ll find one too. Just haven’t found the right late war phosphate wood gripped one yet.
  17. Tiger 2 Tank

    1944 Walther PP

    Except for the missing serial number, that’s a very nice pistol rig.
  18. Tiger 2 Tank

    Legacy VIS 35 have a laugh

    How about this outstanding -98% gem of a unit? I guess the real inventory, behind the scenes stuff, is only for the $35 dollar a month club you have to belong to. Us shlubs get this stuff to pick from.
  19. Tiger 2 Tank

    Legacy VIS 35 have a laugh

    I think he’s spot on at -95%. Now, $1,850 for a negative ninety five percent gun is a little, well….way too much.
  20. Tiger 2 Tank

    K.43 qve45 where does this one fit?

    Interesting information on that one and I'll update my listing on it. Thanks

Military Rifle Journal