Third Party Press

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  1. Tiger 2 Tank

    New AC 44 K43

    What about the other side of her?
  2. Tiger 2 Tank

    Sporterized G43

    They utterly raped that rifle and took her goods! It was an early one too.
  3. Tiger 2 Tank

    Field Repair ?????

    Maybe. We’ll never know for sure though. It does look like some odd field repair. Kinda neat on a super rare rifle. First report on this rifle. Interesting that it has the milled off scope mount rail too.
  4. Tiger 2 Tank

    What’s a Fair Price for a Shooter Grade P.38?

    Oh that’s absolutely cool. Love the windowed grip. That is a really nice one and they are way more in value than that. You got pretty lucky I would say. Yep, original lanyards are way up in ridiculous price territory now. Glad I got mine when I did. Funny thing is that when I got mine, I...
  5. Tiger 2 Tank

    Interesting Japanese Type 94 pistol with holster.

    Cool! I’m glad it was “him” and not our vet!
  6. Tiger 2 Tank

    K 43 stock markings

    ...and the top of the handguard usually should be marked e/WaAC10. Also, if the rifle has a bolt carrier that does not have the hold open lever, there should be disassembly "hash marks" on the stock as well (about half way of the bolt carrier travel area, thin top area). One hash line for each...
  7. Tiger 2 Tank

    K43 ZF dow value?

    Depends on whether you are buying for collector purposes or shooter purposes.
  8. Tiger 2 Tank

    Late Receiver, Early Stock?

    It’s a give and take thing. We can help you and it would sure be nice of you to help those of us that collect serial number and data on these rifles.
  9. Tiger 2 Tank

    Shape on Back of G43 Receiver

    Totally normal in-house inspection stamp.
  10. Tiger 2 Tank

    AC44 G-43 P-block

    Looks like it will make a decent shooter. That‘s in line with a high end AR-15 price, so not bad.
  11. Tiger 2 Tank

    K43 scope mount verification

    Looks like the paint is gone from the triangle. If it’s not gone, then I‘ll bet it’s blue and the photo is just washing the blue color out.
  12. Tiger 2 Tank

    G43 Stock color

    Walther: Non-stained to complete "corn cob" raw wood. BLM: Most were reddened stained, some were left non-stained. Gustloff: Reddened stained. Non-stained = white'ish with a hint of yellow'ishness. I guess you could say.
  13. Tiger 2 Tank

    Need help on K.43 BLM letter block translation.

    I have it listed as an a block as well in my listings since 12-16-2019.
  14. Tiger 2 Tank

    Need help on K.43 BLM letter block translation.

    That is what the guy that sent me the pic thought as well. I appreciate it.
  15. Tiger 2 Tank

    Need help on K.43 BLM letter block translation.

    Okay, is this an “i block”? If it is, it’s the lowest qve45 I have recorded, unless I missed one or some in my BLM listings. What say you? Thanks for your assistance, Kelly
  16. Tiger 2 Tank

    P08 Grips 'Black widow'

    I’ve pretty much given up on BW Lugers, and Lugers in general. Way too many counterfeits out there, and a lot of them are pretty good fakes. Way too expensive now too! Unless I have a second pair of eyes on a Luger, I’m not moving on it. I have a ‘37 Luger that I feel very confident about...
  17. Tiger 2 Tank

    Converted G43 Mags

    “Is there even a way to fix the holes in the magazine?” Nope. That’s a permanent mess.
  18. Tiger 2 Tank

    Converted G43 Mags

    If I have to have it burned in my memory….you should too! What a mess. Must be air holes so your ammo can breathe.
  19. Tiger 2 Tank

    Converted G43 Mags

    Not till you mentioned it. I can never unsee that you know! What in all Hell happened? Some people don’t need to be around guns. What a vandalized mess! I mean someone utterly raped that piece of history!
  20. Tiger 2 Tank

    Questions on 4 gcb K43 Magazines

    That one almost looks like it's a blued mag and not painted.

Military Rifle Journal