Third Party Press

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    Mystery Mauser Identification (This one is a hard one)

    I Think this is case closed, and trust me I have been scratching my head for over a month. This is something that is incredibly weird but ill take it for a sporter carbine.
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    Mystery Mauser Identification (This one is a hard one)

    I put the rilfe back into its stock but going based an old photo, the trigger has a 04 on it and a waffen inspection mark at the very end of the trigger but thats it for markings.
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    Mystery Mauser Identification (This one is a hard one)

    The rear sight is definitely from a 24/30 which is common on south American Mausers and the 16 inch barrel length. I ended up locating a shorty sight off ebay and it was a perfect fit.
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    Mystery Mauser Identification (This one is a hard one)

    Here are the photos requested, unfortunately no other markings are present on the tang or the lower part of the rifle. There does appear to be a five point star and triangle with the number 517. If I do remember correctly, Mauser used a 5 point stars for South American rifles but ended up using...
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    Mystery Mauser Identification (This one is a hard one)

    I just took it out of the stock and ran a light over it to see if there is any ghosting. No sanding or grinding marks are present I also took more pictures of the rifle out of the stock.
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    Mystery Mauser Identification (This one is a hard one)

    I purchased this last month as a barreled action for 200 and was missing everything except for the trigger. I had a few parts laying around and turned it into a complete rifle up. But of course this is where the fun part begins because I cannot find any information on who, what, where, when or...

Military Rifle Journal