Third Party Press

Search results

  1. Loewe

    Kar98 1917

    The barrel code is under the stock, but little importance in this case (good question but all known are Bohler or BSI and the lots are progressive, very German in a steady consistent progression and grouping); usually, earlier, BC study has more quarks but Erfurt in/by 1918 is usually one or the...
  2. Loewe

    Kar98 1917

    How do you know it wasn't German supplied or left by the Germans in 1918, (Germany supplied arms and soldiers to the Whites in Finland), the marking on top of the barrel? French were big cheaters on the terms that ended the war and the stated causes and intent of England and US.... France was...
  3. Loewe

    BCD 42 k98

    I don't think it bad, just unusual. 1942 was a year of great change for the rifle makers, what Germany should have done when war was decided upon in 1939 took over two years to implement and even still with little urgency... you see weird stuff till the end.
  4. Loewe

    RESEARCH PROJECT - Mod. 71 and Mod. 71/84 - Craig Brown

    Thanks and I added it to the database. A very good report that narrows the ranges... I agree it is just rare enough, with enough meat left to make a worthwhile resto... you need to be young and heathy enough (and a great deal of resolve- and patience!) to take it on as a project!
  5. Loewe

    Which early K98 k maker used H bands, not being WaA marked?

    Yes, MB/42 would be a good choice, probably better when 7 & 9 are also compared... good observation! ** meant 1942 not 1941, 41 bands have waffenamts throughout 1941, start of 42 throughout have no WaA; the exact range this band (H-band) is observed is no suffix through the end of b-block...
  6. Loewe

    1918 /20 Spandu /dz opinion needed

    More pictures would help, though this pattern long ago was solved by CB and Joe Steen 2008-09; Spandau cut G98 production loose in early 1917 to concentrate on MG production; receivers left in the pipeline (none Spandau made, but subcontracted from Peiper-S&H were increasing diverted to others...
  7. Loewe

    Which early K98 k maker used H bands, not being WaA marked?

    I would have to compare fonts for a probable match, but 1942 era is the sweetspot for this combination, lean to JPS because of footed "1" are not common with most makers during 1942- most of the biggies don't foot their "1" in 1942
  8. Loewe

    S28 1920 marked K98k conversion

    Ordnance spare (actually recycled S28 receiver, this was once a S28 used receiver, not actually an ordnance spare) used as part of a subsequent build probably, it seems ERMA made G98 length barrel/ord.spares (for ordnance depots) till 39; usually marked "circled EE" by 1939, this is a 38 barrel...
  9. Loewe

    S28 1920 marked K98k conversion

    It doesn't conform to S28 trends... probable salvaged S28 receiver. It is not a typical (uniformed) S28 variant, at least as far as trends go...
  10. Loewe

    Which early K98 k maker used H bands, not being WaA marked?

    Show a picture or two, or if impractical "think" 1942?
  11. Loewe

    KARAB 98B - What do I Have?

    If this were a e-block this would be less of a problem, but this early its a long shot, but 70%+ of 98b do not have original stocks, and that percentage is probably optimistic to say the least... there is far more unknown than known unless Wolfgang, Stephan, Georg or one other of our German...
  12. Loewe

    KARAB 98B - What do I Have?

    There is a very good chance this is not the original stock, - internal serial would confirm - but the crossbolt is not e/6 and they usually are by this range and the side sling slots do not seem existing, little evidence if any. With sporters it is best to keep the stock but in this case it is...
  13. Loewe

    Early 1874 Danzig Gewehr 1871 with oddities

    It is an interesting rifle, at least so far as the pictures go... as trends goes, too few to develop much of a foundation to rest opinions upon. (25 rifles across a 10 year span is little to base arguments upon!) We need far more examples, not only Danzig, to develop a suitable database for...
  14. Loewe

    KARAB 98B - What do I Have?

    What ever you do, keep the sporterized stock, it is worthless alone, to a collector it would possess some value. HM is right, finding a loose 98b stock is nearly as hard as finding a good wife; finding a range correct one loose would be as tough as finding that perfect wife and winning her!
  15. Loewe

    BCD 42 k98

    BobJ & PeterK were good early researchers, along with Ken Huddle, J Steen and Mark Weiringa probably the best back then. Gustloff Weimar was a assembler mostly, they mostly made barrels andlittle else for the 98k, few enough of these,they are rather rare. The small group of firms in Saxony and...
  16. Loewe

    KARAB 98B - What do I Have?

    You show enough to determine this is a factory rifle, not significant work done to it, rare for such an early Simson; the stock is a goner for sure, someone threw away $1000 if done recently, since the 80's these have been desirable and although we know much more today, this type of vandalism...
  17. Loewe

    BCD 42 k98

    Yes, this is quite strange for the range, but the occasional e/37 is seen in 1943 production and "variety" is common with a maker like Gustloff. Just a little early!
  18. Loewe

    KARAB 98B - What do I Have?

    The barrel code is K4C eagle/6 throughout? From little trends available what you show of the action is original to mfg. The bolt lower flat is the thing that interested me most though... it is rare finding an original bolt this early, the lower flat (underside opposite the top flat serial) is...
  19. Loewe

    KARAB 98B - What do I Have?

    Acceptance is the small stamps you see on the various parts, some parts may have more than one (different as well), they represent "acceptance" of work or assembly,each eagle/number represent an inspector that teams work under. That is rarely important though... what is important is changes in...
  20. Loewe

    KARAB 98B - What do I Have?

    Not a common rifle (range in particular), your rifle extends this pattern nearly 100 rifles (which is a good jump for an early 98b); I call these type II (type II after the droping of dates, type I are far scarcer...). Too bad the stock, damn sorry to see this on a probable bolt matcher (which...

Military Rifle Journal