Third Party Press

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  1. C

    Inherited Mauser-Werke Patrone .22 identification help and advice please

    Good morning, Oldwing. 75235 is definitely the serial number. It’s on the barrel and on the action. I’m not familiar with the various series, just noticed that his posted pictures were similar. His number looks like 159780, suggesting that the one I have is from a much earlier series. Good...
  2. C

    Inherited Mauser-Werke Patrone .22 identification help and advice please

    Good afternoon. I'm like the original author of this thread and have a Mauser-Werke A.G. Oberndorf A.N. .22 Long Rifle single shot brought to the U.S. by my brother-in-law's father at the end of WWII. #75235, B, G, and U markings, each with a crown above. My B.I.L. has no interest in guns...

Military Rifle Journal