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  1. D

    Zeiss Zielvier 4x Help

    I actually got in touch with Eric (Vaughn) on Friday and will be sending it off to him to look at very soon. I believe the scope was professionally serviced before, which would mean taking it apart. He said shimming would likely not fix it either but he's going to give it a complete look over...
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    Zeiss Zielvier 4x Help

    I used S&B 196gr soft points and FMJ (high), FNM 198gr FMJ (high), and 196gr PPU Match (low). PPU 8mm is anemic and my other 98ks need to have their irons set to 400 to hit at 100. I'll never actually use the PPU but wanted to see how the match performed nest to the standard blue box. I'm...
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    Zeiss Zielvier 4x Help

    I'd love to try that out, however, being in Louisiana I do not have access to a 300 meter range. I do have a hunting club with a long highline I could use but am limited to using it outside hunting season. Initially I thought it was a height over bore issue but I have an LSR and M41B with...
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    Zeiss Zielvier 4x Help

    Since I've exhausted my base knowledge attempts and am not messing with the solder myself I've contacted Vaughn99 to see if he will take the job but haven't heard anything back yet. I know AKs and combloc stuff but vintage scopes/bases are out of my wheelhouse
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    Zeiss Zielvier 4x Help

    problem is them are soldered on and I'm not good with working on that sort of thing. I wish my medical experience carried over to the gunsmithing world but it doesn't. Definitely thought about shimming that rear base but I'd have to get the solder removed
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    Zeiss Zielvier 4x Help

    It's not an original no but it's my clone tribute to the particular sniper system. I have an LSR and this one. Honestly having the work done would be worth it to me but I'm just not knowledgeable about the vintage milsurp gunsmithing to do it myself. I've contacted Vaughn99 to see if he will...
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    Zeiss Zielvier 4x Help

    Well shimming the rear ring seems to be a lost cause. I am barely able to fit 2 slivers of aluminum can in the ring. The scope is very snug even without the shims. That amount is not enough to add any real difference at the distance I am wanting. I guess my other options are to send it off to...
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    Zeiss Zielvier 4x Help

    I agree with you on this. Seems to be the only possible fix to the problem. I will try to shim it little by little and hopefully that will help. I was thinking maybe the height over bore was just too much but I've got plenty of old scopes that sit higher and adjust no problem (PU's and the Swede...
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    Zeiss Zielvier 4x Help

    OK my issue is that the rifle just shoots high with the scope's low elevation completely maxed to it's lowest turn. It would probably be on at 300 meters but I'd like it more on at 100 meters. Loosening the top screws only lets you reset the zero. Is there any way to mess with the scope/base to...
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    Zeiss Zielvier 4x Help

    Its 81384 but yes I realize it's meters. Just so used to saying yards here in the US. I'm hoping to mess with the scope today to correct the issue. It is a good accurate shooter so I hope to get it on at 100 so I can take her out to extended ranges in the future
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    Zeiss Zielvier 4x Help

    Have an 81000 serial Zeiss Zielvier on a 98k single claw repro and took it to the range today. I used a laser bore sight to have it on at 25 yards, which it was, then took it to 100 yards. I think I heavily underestimated the bullet rise between 25 and 100. The dial is cranked literally as low...
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    Zeiss single claw scope

    I had a feeling it wasn't all original. Also, it might just be me but the reticle looked kind of chunky compared to my original. Pictures also didn't show scope clarity or mention if it tracks or not. It mentions clear optics but my clear and someone else's clear are probably completely different
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    Bore Sighting Lasers

    I have the Osprey ones in basically every caliber I own. I've used them for 98k snipers, PU mosins, SVDs, and any other scoped rifle. Just chamber it, adjust your scope to where its right under the red dot on a wall about 25 yards away, and shoot a target at 100 yards. You'll at least be on...
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    Opinions Hensoldt- Dialytan for LSR Build

    So good to go with this scope? It has the German 1 reticle so 3 posts and optic is clear. I can always add the recoil ring and sunshade later and plan on using split rings instead of the bands which necessitate a recoil ring
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    Opinions Hensoldt- Dialytan for LSR Build

    Hi guys I'm looking for a scope to use on my LSR build and trying to avoid repro optics since the consensus if they aren't very good. I had bought a post war Zielsechs but didn't realize it has an aluminum tube and thus won't fit on the 26.5mm rings of an LSR mount as it is too big. Any thoughts...
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    There's a few Zielsechs 6x scopes on ebay but I believe the vast majority of those are either commercial or pre-WWII scopes. I bought a Zielsech off there probably 4 or so months ago for a very reasonable price. I'm about to try to get in contact with Vaughn to see if he can complete my LSR...
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    AJACK finally !

    thank you. I'll try to get in touch with him. I've got the rifle just sitting there waiting to be fired in the sniper config. I shot it with irons for groups and it was stacking holes. It's a BCD4 so going as "correct" as I can with the LSR build.
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    AJACK finally !

    Who are you using as a builder? I have one that really only requires one more hole to be drilled for the LSR rail. Won't take much at all for someone that knows what they are doing. For some reason it only ever had 2 of the 3 holes drilled. Weird I know
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    AJACK finally !

    Where did you manage to find one?
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    Ajack 4x90 +(Blue) Scope

    No idea what it's worth but I might be interested in it. I'm trying to complete an LSR clone build myself. It came with a Jena Zielvier 4x scope but the glass is very blurry. You can get a sight picture but it ain't a good one. Probably gonna replace the scope so I can actually shoot the gun

Military Rifle Journal