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  1. sethebersm1

    DOT 1944 55xxx bolt overstamp question

    Here’s a few in indirect sunlight and direct
  2. sethebersm1

    DOT 1944 55xxx bolt overstamp question

    To this day I’m still working on my photography, I’ll try again with the bolt removed!
  3. sethebersm1

    DOT 1944 55xxx bolt overstamp question

    Hey guys, Finally got around to taking some pics of a sporter rescue of mine. Bolt shroud and cocking piece have both been overstamped. Bolt handle has that diagonal mark under the serial I’ve seen in a couple other brunn posts. Can I get some thoughts on the overstamping please? Humped or...
  4. sethebersm1

    Our podcast on MILSURP HQ - parts 1 and 2.

    Really enjoyed the podcast guys! Thanks for putting it out there 👍🏼
  5. sethebersm1

    bnz45 4024T

    How cool Mike! I have 4054T. Not too far off of yours. M/m with a vk98 bolt
  6. sethebersm1

    K98 PU Field Armorer Sniper

    Of course! So as you can see there is a space at the top of the PU base between it and the receiver where the original screw holes weren’t exactly parallel with the receiver but using the shim Eric made it work and it’s very solid. I think he said he had to fold the aluminum from the mess kit 3...
  7. sethebersm1

    K98 PU Field Armorer Sniper

    Final product below. Special thanks to Dave, Raupleminze, and especially Vaughn for letting me pick their brain and Vaughn‘s awesome work. I tried to put together a little tribute for the guy in the one well known photo of the PU K98 98.
  8. sethebersm1

    K98 PU Field Armorer Sniper

    Hey Guys, I found this a couple years ago after buying a MG42 kit off a local guy in Oklahoma City. He told me he had a “depot sniper” and upon asking him to send pictures found that he had a pretty unique rifle. After reaching out to a few forum members for info and advice I was thankfully...
  9. sethebersm1

    Zf41 Kriegsmodell Stock: Repair in progress

    Still have quite a ways to go from cleaning up excess on forend/buttstock, gluing middle section and of course replacement pieces but couldn’t help myself from mocking it up (still need a semi matching handguard and byf km front band). Hopefully with a little more love and care it will turn out...
  10. sethebersm1

    Zf41 Kriegsmodell Stock: Repair in progress

    Ok, guys with the help of Rick/Biggymu repair is going along slowly but nicely. At his recommendation I’ve worked in small sections using white carpenters glue and latex tubing and have slowly been squeezing this thing back together. The only thing I may need a little more help/advice on is what...
  11. sethebersm1

    Zf41 Kriegsmodell Stock: Repair in progress

    Forgive the pic flipping guys, my phone likes to do that sometimes to my pictures.
  12. sethebersm1

    Zf41 Kriegsmodell Stock: Repair in progress

    Hi everyone, Good news: Was finally successful in tracking down a Kriegsmodell zf41 stock for my L block sporter rescue. Bad news: It has had some pretty severe delamination done to it and is “flaking” pretty badly. Judging by the metal and barrel channel this thing looks like an attic find...
  13. sethebersm1

    Dialytan scope on sporterized 3006

    Very nice man! Does anyone know if it’s possible to replace the recoil ring? It’ll never be original but at least would be in the right direction of being restored.
  14. sethebersm1

    Dialytan scope on sporterized 3006

    Funny enough this scope popped up somewhat local to me last week and I ended up making a decent trade deal for it. Interestingly enough the crosshairs have been replaced with a standard 1903a4 type crosshairs at some point.
  15. sethebersm1


    Do any of you guys recognize the serials on these scopes? I’ve got 2647a and 8799f, both Oigee Berlin. Would be awesome to reunite these with their rifles if somebody has them. (Sorry to open a new tab MC)
  16. sethebersm1

    Why are there so many Russian captured BSWs out there?

    Here’s my RC, BSW 1939. Currently getting work done on it by Vaughn. Excited to show more of it when he’s done; one of my favorites.

Military Rifle Journal