Third Party Press

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  1. Brian Kowalski

    original or reproduction mount?

    Lots of red flags with this one...I suspect a fake.
  2. Brian Kowalski

    ZF4 scope for opinions

    The mount appears original and I feel the eyecup is to (those are tough, in hand helps). The screws are repro and I suspect the sunshade may also be...and maybe the bands?? Tough to tell from a pic also. Others may have different opinions.
  3. Brian Kowalski

    Matching DUV D Block Bolt Assembly with Milled Bolt Housing & Narrow Dust Cover

    There is so much unknown information out there, and so little "documented evidence" on the G/K43 series of rifles. Much of the data we know today is from collector experience....which is basically educated guessing.
  4. Brian Kowalski

    Matching DUV D Block Bolt Assembly with Milled Bolt Housing & Narrow Dust Cover

    Nice find. Rumor is they had qc issues with the stamped ones cracking at the time, so supplemented them with machined ones that did not have issues. No way to verify though.
  5. Brian Kowalski

    Quiz Question: Was ist das?

    From the picture, it looks like a tool to remove the lens rings on a ZF4 scope. Would have to measure to be sure.
  6. Brian Kowalski

    Waa359 squarred mount with matching scope

    Agree. Not sure that fully explains everything though. Did they receive their scopes in several contracts? We may never know what really went on.
  7. Brian Kowalski

    Waa359 squarred mount with matching scope

    I have seen multiple dual numbered Walther mounts that have been stamped, pantographed and even done by hand with what appears to be a sparking pen. Yes, all variations are real. The scope SN is another question we may never truly know. I have seen original dual numbered mount scopes as high...
  8. Brian Kowalski

    Extended barrel G43??

    Does not fit the typical German workmanship, who really knows though. There is very little known about these long-barreled variations. The known long barreled "test rifles" seem to show up in the "c" block of ac45 rifles and can be identified by the front sight pin being further forward a...
  9. Brian Kowalski

    G43 ac44 7619e

    After better pics, I believe our suspicions are correct. The engraving is not what one typically sees on wartime numberings. This appears to be post war engraved, In my opinion.
  10. Brian Kowalski

    G43 Scope Case

    Nice. Thanks for sharing.
  11. Brian Kowalski

    G/K43 Slings

    Good question. There are definitely longer slings out there being used on k98ks and G/K43s. One can easily identify a sling that has been originally on a K43..the "bend", when it goes thru the sling loop will be off, as mentioned above. Did they make a specific sling just for the G43...
  12. Brian Kowalski

    G43 Sold Gunbroker Over $7K

    In addition to the FP carrier, the bolt carrier was also renumbered. Factory done?? We will never know. I have noted a lot of SN changes/corrections like this on BCD G43s. One can only assume they were doing anything to get a completed rifle out the door it seems. This type of...
  13. Brian Kowalski

    Survey -- are block letters stamped under serial number on buttstock?

    Correct. I believe Walther stopped numbering the stocks around the "m/n" block or so.
  14. Brian Kowalski

    Walther (W) S/N 7373

  15. Brian Kowalski

    G43 scope mount real or fake ?

    Yes, rig is good. Obviously renumbered at one point.
  16. Brian Kowalski

    My first G43 BCD b block

    Thank you. Excellent observation and spot on.
  17. Brian Kowalski

    Scope and Mount review

    From these pictures, the mount and scope appear to be original.

Military Rifle Journal